Monday, November 9, 2009

Gabriella Update...

Today was Gabriella's 2 year well check and I am happy to say she passed it with flying colors.
She weighs 23 pounds and is 33 inches tall.
Surprisingly, she did well and only cried a little when she got her shots. ( a quick promise for a Starbucks made that all better)

Her finger will require surgery. She had an appointment with a plastic surgeon last month, now we're just waiting for the scheduler to call with the surgery date.
Just in case you forgot, her hand got caught in a running treadmill last March. Most of it healed great but when the skin healed on two of her fingers it contracted causing her finger to grow crooked. :(
She will need to be seen my the plastic surgeon every year until her hand is fully grown and more than likely will need to have the procedure done on a yearly basis as well.
She's a tough cookie though.