Sunday, May 31, 2009

Random us...

Gabriella loves her Gamma!

We had a fun/full weekend. Jeff spent all day yesterday helping a friend move and the kids and I spent it shopping both for fun and for groceries.
Today "the guys" went swimming at one of Brandon's wrestling buddies house and the girls and I went swimming at my moms. Everyone had fun, even Gabriella liked it.
Tomorrow is back to the grind of work/school and running around. It's around this time of year where I long for the 9 month school schedule. We've still got another 6 weeks to go. Next year will be interesting with Alyssa on a 9 month schedule and Brandon on a 12 month one.
Well, I just put Gabriella to bed...all clean and nice in her brand new jammies.
I still have two to I guess I better run.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Check him out...

Brandon has a blog now too.
I'm sure it will be filled with all the exciting things that he experiences (wrestling) as well as his perspective on life. Should be interesting.
I am not helping him (besides making sure what ever he has to say is appropriate) so keep in mind he's just 6.
Check him out....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day...

I'll be honest, we had a pretty lazy Memorial Day.
We did take the kids to the water park for a little while and that was fun.
Other than that we just stayed home. The kids played, Jeff did some working out and I held down the couch. :)


Bean is our guinea pig. Sadly (depends on who you ask) his brother Cotton died last year leaving Bean lonely.
When Alyssa was cleaning his cage today he caught the eye of Gabriella. She had never seen a "puppy" like this before.
Not sure if it was such a good idea to introduce them...poor Bean may never be the same.

Meeting Bean...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Like mother

Like daughter


As you can probably tell from all the posts that I have just done, I'm bored.

Alyssa is with my sister for the night. They went and saw Taylor Swift in concert. Exciting times.

Brandon is spending the night with some of his friends. This is the second time he has ever slept away from home (besides spending the night at my moms)
The other time was not a good experience...he had a rough time.
Sadly, it seems it's just mommy having the rough time this time around.

Jeff is working...

I tried to keep Gabriella up as long as possible but when she was standing at her crib literally begging to take a nap, I realized it was time.
So here I am...I've watched enough TV and did 90% of my laundry. Now what?!

I guess I should just be glad I'm not the house that kept the boys last count there were 6 boys staying...all around the same age, all with a TON of energy and all with very strong personalities...

Off I go now to fold another load of laundry.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

More Pictures

I can't tell you enough how much I love this girl!

This melts my heart...he is such a good big brother

More pictures

Fun at the park...

Trying to do a trick...he fell

but did manage to land this one

Gabriella calling the duckies

and puppies...

Spelling Bee...

Friday was the spelling bee. Brandon did very good. The teachers did individual spelling bees in the class and took the top 2-3 spellers from each class to make up the final bee. He didn't win, but he did do very well. There were 3 kids left after him. Yay Brandon, we are very proud of you!

Alyssa's award...

On Thursday Alyssa received an award at school for being an outstanding and caring student. Her teacher went on and on about what a wonderful person Alyssa is. Of course we already knew this. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm just saying...

So, last night I was watching a program on HBO Sports called Real Sports. I don't usually watch these kinds of things but they were doing a segment on youth sports and just happened to be featuring youth wrestling. Of course, they had to shed a negative light on the entire thing. In fact, the entire segment was devoted to parents and how they "push" their children. You probably already guessed did strike a chord with me. I'm so tired of hearing other people (some who don't have children or their children are as old as I am) make their comments about how competitive sports aren’t good...blah, blah, blah! Give me a break people. If chastising me for my decisions makes you feel better for being a lazy parent and letting your kid sit in front of the TV all day and play video games...then fine.
I'm just a little confused at what the so called "experts" think is right for kids. Everywhere you turn you hear things about getting fit or eating healthy...yet, the parents who do this are ousted. We're labeled as pushy and extreme.
Sorry, but in our house being lazy is just not an option. If you want to call us pushy, fine. If you want to say our kids are over scheduled I'm ok with that too.
If you think we don't allow time for our kids to just be kids than I don't know our kids.
I'm just saying...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Muscle Man...

I have to laugh whenever I see Brandon lifting weights. It's pretty funny...
He on the other hand takes this weigh lifting business pretty serious.
Now, before you run off making judgements...
No, we are not pushing any of this on him. In fact, the weights were pretty much his idea. He's a serious wrestler and sees the bigger boys doing this and wants to do the same thing. I look at it two ways...he can either focus on wrestling or sit around playing video games and watching TV...and since that is in no way an option he chooses to wrestle and train.

I guess it could be worse.

Late Mothers Day Dinner

It's been our tradition since my very first Mothers Day when Alyssa was just 3 weeks old to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.
Unfortunately, half the family was sick last week so we ended up going last night.
The food was good, the kids were good (a bit annoying, but good non the less)and it was a perfect night out as a family.
Sometimes I feel over worked and under appreciated but I know how much they all love me and it makes it all worth it.

Why not...

Because sometime it's the chaos that brings a smile to my face...

Beautiful Alyssa...

I just had to post these pictures.
I took them before we left for dinner last night...when I was flipping back through my camera I was shocked at how grown she looked. Better yet, how beautiful she is becoming.
I dread the day that dating is a part of her life...but than again, that's still a good 28 years away!

Water Park Fun...

Brandon was worn out after a day of running in the sun

Brandon and Michael

All the kids (minus Gabriella) and Kory...who is the biggest kid of them all. :)

The boys

Gabriella making a mad dash for it...

On Saturday afternoon the kids and I met up with some of my old friends.
Well, not literally old...but friends from back in the day.
I have not seen Kory and Sharon for at least 10 years. They have three boys, two of which are between Brandon's age. We all had a great time...but I think Brandon and Michael had the best time. They played like that had known each other for years. Brandon is already planning a sleep over.
It was great getting together with friends, especially ones from way back. It reminds me how carefree we once were. AAHHHH, those were the days!

Brandon's in the bee...

Spelling Bee that is!
He was one of the two kids chosen from his class.
We're pretty darn excited!
It's this Friday...I'll let you know how it goes.

Happy Birthday, Alexis!

I chose this picture just cause it makes me laugh every time I see it. Lex doesn't like many rides, but she did like this one...even if she needed a "doggy bag" afterwards. LOL

Yesterday was our niece, Alexis' birthday.
Of course, just like my own kids I can hardly believe that little siggy is already 9.
Time sure flies...
Alyssa and Lex, though they don't see each other very ofter are thick as thieves. I'm so glad that they have each other.
I know you had a great birthday Lex cause I talked to you on the phone, but I just wanted to tell you again (and the entire world) that we love you bunches and miss you even more.
Happy Birthday again...your presents are coming...:)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Brandon has a special gift.
He has the ability to render me speechless on a daily basis.
Sometimes it's his actions and sometimes it's what he has to say.
I'm telling you, this kid is something else. He's always on the move, always getting into something, always scheming...
The big boys at wrestling love him simply for the fact that they can talk him into doing anything. I fear we'll see him in his own version of Jackass one day.
He's something else but man alive am I so glad he's my son!

Sometimes I just need...

a break.
It seems like we never have a dull moment here in the Corsaro home and the last few weeks have not been any different.
Jeff was recovering nicely from last weeks surgery until my mothers day dinner of pizza irritated the wound and...well, we seem to be back at square one with the healing process.
Both Brandon and Gabriella are all better after last weeks sickness issues. Brandon swears I put poison in his dinner and that was the cause of his stomach issues...
After spending 2 hours last night for a follow up appt. both kids have been cleared.
Gabriella's weight checks have now been moved to every 3 months and the doctor seems less concerned after seeing the diva in action. I'm telling you, the girl can talk.
Alyssa is working on finishing her 5th grade Great American project. She had to learn all the states and capitols, recite by memory the Gettysburg address, write the pledge with correct spelling and punctuation and sing the national anthem in front of the class. I will be so glad when this is finished.
AI'm hanging in there. Trying to keep my head above the heap of laundry that keeps morphing into a mountain. I remind myself everyday that this life I'm living, though crazy and stressful at times really is a blessed life.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day...

Just wanted to take a minute and say happy mothers day to the best mom (well, besides me of course KIDDING!!)
Thanks mom for seeing me through my wonderful and tranquil teenage years.
Thanks for always being there for me. I always know I can count on you whether it's to keep the kids at the very last minute or a late night run to Starbucks to keep me moving you've always come through for me.
Your encouragement through life has made me who I am...I am so thankful to have you as my mom.

On another note.
I have celebrated Mothers Day with a poopy toddler who has demanded my undivided attention...a 6 year old who though he feels better still feels the need to be 11 year old who's life is "soooo boring"....a husband who has the stomach bug that the 6 year old had and to top off the excitement...I cleaned the closets, ALL of them. Now, that my friends is productive. :)
I'm off now to Magic Erase the walls and get Ella out of the dog cage for the 100th time. :)


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sick kids...

Is full of sick kids and laundry.

Both Gabriella and Brandon are down sick. Gabriella has been sick with the same thing for a week. Thankfully a visit to the doctor revealed clear lungs we're still not sure what is causing the vomiting, diarrhea and fever. It's a little unnerving. We've been spending a great deal of time holding her. I'm ok with that and love the extra time to cuddle but after a week I'm getting a little nervous.

Brandon has a stomach bug. He's been throwing up and has a fever. He's been laying around and the house is eerily silent. I'm sure it won't be long until he's back to his old self.

Our usual Mothers Day plans include dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. We have gone there every year since Alyssa was born. Looks like this year we'll have to reschedule those plans and just stay home. The laundry is piled up and a good once over cleaning with Lysol is in order. So, for mothers day I will do what I do a mommy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quick Update...

It's been a CrAzY week!
I know I have said this before..but this week takes the cake.

Jeff's surgery was Monday. It went good and he's recovering well. They ended up admitting him over night...
lots of running back and forth for me...

On Tuesday when I was making my mad dash runs getting the kids before picking up Jeff from the hospital I realized Gabriella was not feeling well either. After getting Jeff situated at home and Alyssa to and from dance class I decided I should have Gabriella seen by her doctor. Turns out she has some sort of bacterial lung infection. For a moment the doctor contemplated admitting her to the hospital. Thankfully her breathing treatment in the office was a success and we were sent home. She seems to be doing better today...

I guess that's about it.
Keep us all in your prayers for a speedy and full recovery!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Update

I present to you random happenings in our life...

* Our home computer we have no internet at home. It's on our list of things to replace. One thing at a time.

* Alyssa did not make the cheer squad. I have to admiton one hand I was hoping that she would make the team and on the other I worried how she would juggle the demands of school, dance, cheer and church. Yes, she was sad but everything happens for a reason and she is quick to remember that. Her attitude is "just not part of God's plan"
Man, I wish I could live with that attitude too. :)
She's decided to add a dance class to her schedule in the fall in the end everyone comes out happy.

* Jeff goes in for surgery tomorrow. Praying everything goes well and this can be behind us soon enough.

I guess that's about it. Off I go now to pick up Alyssa from a birthday party. Jeff and Brandon are at wrestling so I think I'll take advantage of some down time to work on some laundry and do some cleaning.