Saturday, February 28, 2009


Putting away the mats...
Can't get him to hang a towel at home :)

Coach Jake with the team trophy. You should be so proud of your boys, Jake!

Brandon with the team trophy

The entire team after winning 1st place. This is the teams second year in a row winning this title. I'm proud to be a part of it this year.
Check out the sea of medals...I think we had 22 1st place wins!

Southern Nevada Regional Champ!

That's my son! He took 1st place in the regional championship today...we are so proud of him. He finished his season undefeated in his weight category in Southern Nevada. That is an awesome feat and he worked very hard to get there.
Not only did Brandon win BUT as a team we took 1st place for the season. We were up against several teams, many with almost double the wrestlers that we had and our boys still managed to pull it off. That speaks volumes of the hard work that has been taking place 4 days a week over the last several months.
WAY TO GO TEAM GV! We're proud to be a part of you!

Gator Pride

The Southern Nevada Regional Championship is tomorrow...
I'm ready! It's the last "big" tournament of the year...well, minus state that is in two weeks.
I was into wrestling last year. I enjoyed watching Brandon.
This year...well, I have unleashed a crazy woman. I've become quite the wrestling maniac. Maybe it's the fact that our team rocks the socks off of everyone else (our stats prove it. Check them out on the team website.) or the fact that I feel like I'm on my home turf representing a school that I once attended. Whatever it is...I'm so proud to have Brandon be a part of this team.

He has had a great season. He has come so far as a wrestler and I am so proud of him. Team GV is a great team, it's full of hard working coaches who dedicate so much time to these boys. The practices are tough and only the strong stuck it out...
These guys have all worked so hard...
Wish us luck tomorrow...not just for Brandon but for the entire team.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Or lack of in my case.
Tonight, I am exhausted!

The only thing keeping me awake now is...

Oh, how nice it would be to just have 1/2 of his energy...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Good bye Starbucks...
I shall miss you immensely...

Lent starts tomorrow.
Just like last year I am giving up my daily Starbucks...
I will give the money I would have spent to my church.

Alyssa is giving up the Wii & Brandon is giving up every last one of his Hot Wheels.
As of our last conversation Jeff is undecided what he will be sacrificing...

I realize our sacrifices are nothing in the grand scheme of things...
A small drop of water in a gigantic ocean, but our hearts do not forget the real meaning behind Lent and we will use the next 40 days (and beyond) to strive to live more Christ like.

A lesson on Lent...


Q. What is the significance of Lent?

A. Early in the Church's history, the major events in Christ's life were observed with special observances, such as His birth, baptism, death, resurrection and ascension. As these observances developed, a period of time was set aside prior to the major events of Jesus' birth and resurrection as a time of preparation.

During Lent, the Church's worship assumes a more penitential character. The color for the season is purple, a color often associated with penitence. The "Hymn of Praise" is omitted from the liturgy. The word "Alleluia" is usually omitted as well. By not using the alleluia--a joyful expression meaning "Praise the Lord"--until Easter, the Lenten season is clearly set apart as a distinct time from the rest of the year. Additionally, it forms a powerful contrast with the festive celebration of Jesus' resurrection when our alleluias ring loud and clear.

Finally, the penitential character of Lent is not its sole purpose. In the ancient Church, the weeks leading up to Easter were a time of intensive preparation of the candidates who were to be baptized at the Easter vigil on Holy Saturday. This time in the Church's calendar was seen as an especially appropriate time for Baptism because of the relationship between Christ's death and resurrection and our own in Holy Baptism (see Romans 6:1-11). This focus would suggest that the season of Lent serves not only as a time to meditate on the suffering that Christ endured on our behalf but also as an opportunity to reflect upon our own Baptism and what it means to live as a child of God.

Happy Birthday Brian

Just wanted to give a quick shout out to my brother in law, Brian.
Today is his birthday!
Even though you are such a pain in my side (and I mean this in the nicest of ways Bri :) )I still wanted to take a quick second to wish you a great day.
I hope it's filled with long hours at the shop and even longer hours doing stuff around the house when you get home.
Just kidding....well, sort of! :)

Me, Jeff, Alyssa, Brandon and Gabriella

Monday, February 23, 2009

Just like BIG sissy...

How do you know when mom is really sick...

You know I'm sick when I let Ella win the battle over pants...

I have laundry piled EVERYWHERE!

This is what my living room looks like...those who really know me knows this bugs the daylights out of me!

I've been horribly sick since Thursday of last week. Actually, I was sick the week before but worked through it and thought I was better...WRONG!
Since Thursday of last week I have been feeling like I was knocking on deaths door. (ok, so maybe I'm being a tad over dramatic) Finally on Sunday with a little pushing from Jeff I made the plunge and went to the doctors. Turns out I had bronchitis, a sinus infection and an ear infection that I had let go for so long it was past the point of being painful...
who has time to worry about things like that?!
The doctor ordered me to rest and let me tell you...RESTING I HAVE BEEN. This is clear by the looks of my house. Jeff tries to help, but let's face it...he is no Mr. Belvedere.
I'm feeling a bit better now...just wonder how long it will take me to catch up.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Parent Observation-Ballet

These are a few pictures from ballet that I took today during parent observation.
I'm so impressed at how much better Alyssa has gotten this year with her ballet. She is so graceful...

Parent Observation

Last night was parent observation day for Alyssa's Irish dance class.
It's the one time during the year that the parents are invited in to observe a class and see how everything works. I always look forward to this day (even though I can observe Alyssa dancing every where we go...I swear the girl is ALWAYS dancing)
I was impressed at the girls progress, even Mr. Jim, the dance instructor, said the girls were just as good as the high school dancers.
This year for the big dance show they are dancing to "Beat It"...a bit strange for an "irish" class but once I saw them dancing to it I was surprised to see how cool it looks. I can't wait for the show in June!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sweet Gabriella

Proof that she does in fact cry...I was trying to bribe her for a picture but when I took the toy away she had a fit.

Our sweet Gabriella is 16 months old now...
where does the time go?!
She is such the vocal child and I can tell already she's going to take after her big sister in the chatter box area. Her vocabulary is pretty expansive and she mocks what ever we say. She calls the cats by name and refers to Alyssa as "sissy" and Brandon as "brother". She enjoys baths and LOVES baby dolls.
She continues to be our big eater, yet is tiny like her brother. Her pediatrician sees her monthly for weight checks so she can better track her growth...but I'm not worried about her.
She likes to dance to music and will announce her actions with a loud "DANCE" when music comes on.
As far as nicknames go we pretty much just call her by her name...Gabriella. If we do shorten it it's usually Ella though nothing seems to stick.
She's an absolute joy, so easy to love and take care of. She's a huge blessing in our lives and we all adore her.

Brandon's award

Last Friday Brandon received an award at school for being responsible.
The school holds "Building Community" assemblies every few months and each one highlights a different character trait. This last one spoke of the importance of being responsible for your actions and doing the right thing. His teacher mentioned that his homework is always done on time and correct. Of course school comes first amongst all the other activities so to us it's a given that his homework is always done. Both of my kids are good students and we are proud of both of them.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Blog surfing...

Is one of my favorite things to do. I can spend a good amount of time reading about the lives of perfect strangers. Call it strange...but I know I am not the only one who does this.
Sometimes though blog surfing makes me...hmmm, looking for the correct word. It can sometimes make me envious. I hate to admit this and I know the grass is not always greener on the other side...but still.
I see moms who stay home and have time to slow down and really enjoy their kids. I see husbands and wives who have time to go to dinner as a couple...
Sometimes I feel like I am always in the "get it done" mode that I forget to slow down and focus. I know I am that way. Jeff reminds me that the kids keep us busy but I can't help but think that they are going to grow and be in college before I know it and I never took the time to make a special Valentines dinner for them or I never took the time to sit and make a gingerbread house with them.
I've always been a working mom. When it was just Alyssa I had free time to play outside with her, I did arts and crafts and read a book to her every night. With Brandon it was the same way...though now I find myself folding laundry, cooking dinner, feeding Ella, fielding phone calls, listening to my kids read me a story all at once. I wonder when life got so crazy?!
I battle this working mom demon every so often. I'm not sure what the answer is. I do know I have to find a happy medium. I pray that I do.

weekend wrap up

Well, the boys made it home from California safe and sound Saturday evening.
There trip was anything but relaxing. It involved flat tires and cab rides to make weigh in, sick kids and extra $$ spent...
I'm just glad everyone made it home in one piece. One of the boys that Jeff took ended up with some kind of flu...and it looks like he shared it with Brandon as he's been sick with it this evening.

Alyssa spent the weekend with friends. One of her dance friends had a birthday/slumber party on Saturday. Then on Sunday she went roller skating with another friend. She is such the social princess.

I took advantage of the "free" time and had dinner and did some shopping with my mom, sister and Gabriella. It was fun to hang out. The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning and doing laundry, though I still have not made it through all the dirty clothes...where does it all come from?!

So, that's my weekend in a nutshell just in case anyone cares. :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Good by boys...

...hello GIRL time!
Jeff and Brandon are heading to California for a wrestling tournament this afternoon...that means Alyssa, Gabriella and I will be free to do what we want to do. This usually means shopping! :)
They are heading out at 2 (thanks mom for coming to my rescue and keeping the girls for a few hours!) and won't be back until late tomorrow night.
I almost feel guilty for being so excited...
Alyssa and I always have so much fun shopping, going to Starbucks and watching Will & Grace.
See ya boys...have a safe trip and GOOD LUCK BRANDON!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not feeling like myself...

The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide.--Michael Rivero

I'm washing my hands of everything that has brought my family and I down. From this day forward I'm moving on with only positive thoughts... feels great to be free!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I realize during the wrestling season my blog pretty much centers around tonight I thought I would dedicate a post just to Alyssa.

She's keeping busy with dance. In April is her big ballet show. This year it will be Cinderella. I'm really looking forward to watching her dance. Her other show for tap, Irish and hip hop is in June. We're getting the costumes in now and they look pretty cool. The June show is called "Don't stop the music" and will be based on popular songs. Last years show was amazing so I'm really excited to see what this year has to offer.

She is such a great big sister too. I know when I need her I can count on her for another set of hands. Both Gabriella and Brandon adore her. Gabriella calls her "sissy"'s pretty cute.

I still can't believe we're staring Jr. High in the face. She's looking forward to the change and hopes to join the Cheer-leading squad. I just smile...and let her do her thing. It's fun to watch her go after and achieve things that she desires. I've always wished I could be more like that.

My Alyssa is a great kid and though lately I haven't shared much about her she is a very special and important part of our family and we are very thankful to be her parents.

It was just a matter of time...

I just had to laugh at this note...I guess he does deserve more than just $3 for this one.

Tonight at wrestling practice Brandon had his two front teeth knocked out.
Thankfully they were his baby teeth and they were already a bit loose.
Of course, I was not at practice for this incident...but when Brandon called to fill me in I asked him if he cried for me....apparently this was not an appropriate question and he quickly and annoyingly answered "NO"
He's relax everyone...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

What kind of weekend would it be without any wrestling?!
It was our turn to host a tournament this weekend and I am proud to say we did well.
The first annual Green Valley Open was a success, we were able to bring in some much needed $$ so I guess the 6 hours I spent in a cramped and crazy concession stand paid off...and the time Jeff spent moving mats and setting up both Friday night and ALL day Saturday was worth it.

1st place...

Coach Jeff aka Daddy giving some pre match advice

Brandon and some of this wrestling buddies...these little guys are a force to be reckoned with.

I ended up sick again too. I'm sure it's the cold that my kids keep passing around, whatever it threw me for a loop. I spent the entire evening last night watching TV. Thankfully Alyssa was with my mom and Brandon and Gabriella went to bed early. (one good thing about tournament days...Brandon is always ready for bed early!) Needless to say my lack of housework from yesterday carried over until today....

Jeff was off Friday and Saturday night too. It was great having him home...even if he couldn't stay awake...
Him and Brandon are heading to Southern California this coming weekend for a tournament so it will just be me and my girls. We'll miss the boys.

This weekend promises to be a long one so I guess I better head to bed...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Check this out!

Team GV made the the title to read the story!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My thought of the day....

I'm thankful for my family...this tight knit unit of 5 can not be broken.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Silly Brandon

A few weeks back the kids and I attended a baby shower for a good friend of mine. (Hi Jess!) The morning of the shower Brandon seemed worried and anxious...
He REALLY didn't want to go to the shower but would rather stay back at the hotel with Grandma. He did end up staying...
When we came back later that night he wanted to know if the shower was "disgusting"
After much explaining I was able to set the record straight that Jessica did not have her baby at the event rather it was a party to celebrate the fact that she was coming soon. The baby was still inside...

I thought he got the picture, until this morning.

When Ella was born (by C-section) we had a moment of panic getting her out...the doctor wanted her out and she wanted to stay in. They used the vacuum extractor on her poor little head. The first attempt failed and she was left with a "bump"...
The bump is still on her head and more than likely will remain for the rest of her life.
Anyways, Jeff was buckling her in this morning and made a comment about a scratch she had on her forehead.
"that's from her baby shower" Brandon exclaimed...getting the bump and scratch confused.
That's right buddy, the bump left on her head is from her baby shower...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Half Full...

I've been the worse with seeing things in a negative light lately.
I have too much laundry...
The money we had to fork out to get my car fixed...
my house is too small...
I have no time for myself...
Really, the list is long.

So, on Sunday when I was buried in piles of laundry waiting to be put away I looked around the room. I had piles of clothes everywhere and I realized that this is not necessarily a bad problem to have. I mean, after all...we have clothes and a lot of them. So many people would be thankful to have my laundry "problem"....

My stupid van needed a new power steering thingy and yet another set of front brakes. $1,800! Sure, I was mad at first, but than I remember it's really not the end of the world. We do have the money to fix it and all our other bills are I pause in my frustration and give thanks for what I do have.

My house is secret. BUT, I have a home where my kids can grow and we can create memories. It's safe, in a wonderful neighborhood with fantastic schools and for that I am grateful.

I don't have any time to myself. Nope...that is a fact. But I'm more than thankful for my four blessings (Jeff included) that keep my time limited. Without them life would be boring and pointless...for them I am eternally grateful.

It's not always easy and I don't always do it...but, if you take the time you will see that in every rotten situation there is always something positive to learn from it.

Technique or luck

I get asked this question a lot when it comes to Brandon and his wrestling.
People are always wondering at his age how much of what he knows is actually technique...
Well, the answer is...all of it. Brandon wrestles kids his size every week, sometimes they even weigh more than he does. At the risk of sounding cocky Brandon has just taken to wrestling like a fish takes to water. To him, it comes naturally. Of course it helps that he has fantastic coaches (Jeff included) who devote so much time and effort into making Team GV what it is. Do we lose, sure, I tell Brandon that every great champion looses. It's not that you lose it's how you do it.
I have to laugh when Brandon describes to me his victories...hearing the technical terms coming from him is so cute.
Oh...and that being said...he took 1st place at last weekend’s tournament.

Looking to his coaches for direction...