Friday, August 31, 2007

44 days...

that's how many day I have until Gabriella arrives...this is my daily (and ever so constant) reminder from Alyssa.
I had an appt. yesterday and everything is moving along fine. I'll hit 33 weeks tomorrow, that alone is so hard for me to believe. The Dr. also pointed out that she sits "significantly lower" than she had been sooooo...I go back in 2 weeks and we will reevaluate...if need be the delivery date will be moved forward! We are all very excited and somewhat bring it on!

The kids have done great at school this week. We have had a few meltdowns...well...allow me to rephrase...mommy has had a few meltdowns (thanks mom for listening) Brandon gets so excited to go to school but once on the playground he freezes up...I left him to do some work in the school office and when I came back he was sitting alone...It broke my heart, however the teacher reassured me that once in the classroom he is fine and has no trouble being social and get this...he listens!!
See, God really does answer prayers! :)

Monday, August 27, 2007

First day of school

Today was the first day of school...for Alyssa it was the 4th grade and for Brandon it was Kindergarten. I have to admit it was a tough morning...for me! Brandon was so excited but I could tell when he was a little scared when it was time for him to go into the classroom, but he did let's see what the rest of the year has to bring.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Oh the hormones....

If it were a month ago Jill and the kids would be here tomorrow...instead I'm taking the kids to meet the teacher. Now don't get me wrong this is an exciting time for both of them...but I'm sad! Maybe because I know once Alyssa hit kindergarten the time just seemed to slip by...I think everyone is so worried about the kids being ready to go to school that they forget to think about mommy! I'm being totally irrational...but still...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Total lack of motivation....

I'm wondering if I let my laundry sit in front of the washer machine long enough if it would just go ahead and do itself? I'm guessing not...
It's Sunday afternoon...Jeff is sound asleep, the kids are playing together (nicely too) and I have a list of stuff that needs to be done that's a mile long. I have no desire to get in the shower let alone do my hair and I'm thinking I'm gonna pawn off the school shoe shopping and trip to the grocery store on Jeff.
I guess I better get to the other things....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Gabriella Jane..part 1

We had another 4D ultrasound appt.this morning...I can't believe how big she is getting...though I can feel the difference for sure! The tech estimates she will be about 7 1/2 pounds when she is born...and she has hair...a lot of it too, that's a good thing considering I have bought her a hair bow in every color you could ever imagine!
After that Jeff and I had an appointment to register at the hospital. It seemed so unreal that we are already at that point where this kind of stuff needs to be done. It does feel good to know that that part is taken care of too.
So...hopefully you can make out these amazing pictures and see a sneak preview of our new beautiful daughter!

Gabriella Jane

Friday, August 17, 2007

here are some more...

A little late...

But better late then are just a few pictures of the kids.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Feeling Blah!!

I'm in week 30 of my's hot and humid and I'm feeling pretty miserable!
I'm in the stage where sleeping is a joke, I have my feel propped up to help with the swelling and about 9,000 pillows placed just right under my head...that's to help me breath since Gabriella has made her home in my ribs!

We are making headway on her room though so that's a good thing...and thanks to 2 weeks of marathon shopping with Jill she's pretty stocked up on clothes! I'm more than excited to meet her, I wonder if she will look more like Alyssa or Brandon...only 9 more weeks to go!

This weekend also had it's share of crap to help put me in a funky mood. Yesterday I got a speeding ticket! I honestly thought the speed limit was 45 but $180 later... Looks like this chick is heading to traffic school!
Then, our brand new freezer decided to stop working! Thankfully we have a deep freezer in the garage and were able to save most of the food. I have a call into the service center and it should be covered under warranty. Good Lord...keep your fingers crossed!
Jeff somehow hurt is foot last week and missed work for two days...shhhh...don't tell him, but I was kinda glad he did and it happened when it did. I really enjoyed two extra days with him...even if we were both laying around with our feet swollen up like elephants! He's fine it's back to work for him.

I guess that's about all...I just heard the ac click on so I better make sure the kids are covered and ready for another chilly night...sorry's almost over!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Jill and the kids went home on was hard to see them go but we're planning a trip back to see them in March. I have a million pictures from the visit...I promise to post some when I have a chance.

Other than that things are going well. We are busy preparing for Gabriella and the start of a new school year. As you can imagine things are hectic...I wonder how that woman does it with 17 kids?! She's my hero!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Just a random update...I really should be working...but hey...what can I say!

Jill, Julie, Mom, Lexie and Ryan are all at Disneyland I wish I was too. Unfortunately due to changes at work my vacation was here I am.
The kids have been good about it and honestly I think it was a BIG treat for them to just have Max with us for the week.

I started work on Gabriella's room last night too. I just did a bit of organizing in the closet area and hung up some of her new clothes. It's starting to feel real and I'm more than excited to meet her! Only 10 more weeks! Jeff is going to take her bedding set to Lowes and have it scanned so we can match the paint up so hopefully we can start on that the weekend after Jill leaves.

Well...considering I'm here at work I guess I better get busy! Have a great day!