Saturday, September 29, 2007

Do you love me????

Ok...I could really use a Starbucks right about now...and I must say the invention of the drive thru Starbucks is GENIUS! Am I could say that. Starbucks is a part of my daily routine...yes, I agree...a $5 coffee is insane but what can I say...I need an intervention!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Working moms...

Ok...this I'm sure will stir up some mixed feelings...

Yes, I am aware that being a stay at home mom is hard's 24/7..yada yada...
but what do you think working moms do? Really...we may put in 40 hours (or what ever it is) a week at the office but we come home after a long and often stressful day to even more work. We do not have the luxury of unloading the dishwasher, starting the laundry or scrubbing the toilet at any time during the day. Most of us fit this in after working all day or cram the 10,000 things that need to be done on the two days we get off from work. Just like stay at home moms we don't get sick days either...sure, we may be able to call in from the office but I can guarantee you our day is not spent getting that rest the doctor has recommended. And just to clarify...we don't stop parenting even at work...
I'm tired of seeing news stories on the benefits of staying at home with your kids kids are well rounded, well adjusted and in fact they benefit from my working. I am able to provide things that they would otherwise have to do without.
So please understand why I politely turn down a play date on Friday evenings or look at you cross eyed when you suggest we meet for that moms time out group on Thursday mornings...
I love my kids and they are my #1 job, I don't value my family any less than you do and no...I really don't look forward to the 8 hours a day that you think I can escape from "reality"

So...that's my vent for today...I apologize now! :)

18 more days...

I had another Doctors appt. this morning, we finally moved to every week appointments so that is exciting. She's still doing well and the delivery date is still set for October 15th...just in case you missed it in the blog title that is just 18 short days away! I won't lie, I'm a little sad about that, I do love the feeling of her moving and wiggling inside me...and well, being pregnant gives me the excuse to stop what I'm doing and just put my feet up! However, I think we are all ready to welcome her into our family.
On another happy note...I am in the home stretch of work too. I have just 10 more working days and I have already been training the temp that will replace me for the 12 weeks that I will be out (yes, I'll be off all through the holidays...and yes...Jeff and I planned it that way)
maybe we should have a new baby every year...hmmm, than again...maybe not!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


"The will of God will not take you to where the grace of God will not protect you." Anonymous Quote

This was a quote that was sent to me on an email at work...I loved it! It just seems so fitting for me right now. It's been a rough couple of days for me...some of you already know that...I always take comfort knowing that no matter what each day brings in the end it's outta my hands and if I trust God enough he will bring me through each day stronger and better than before.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Who ever said...

my kids did not know how to share...Alyssa has given me her cold. I'm miserable and to make matters worse I really can't take anything for it. I took Tylenol cold tonight however it made me unbelievability sick to my stomach...not fun! I sit hoping that a good nights rest (whatever that may be after running to the bathroom 10,000 times) will help.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

25 more days!!!

Yes, I have posted this picture before...but what can I say I LOVE it. Everytime I look at it I envision her here. It won't be long now though...25 more days! We're still prepping and doing a lot of last minute things but...get this...the room will be finished this weekend!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pure exhaustion...

How does that woman do it with 17 kids...all dressed alike, all well mannered, all home schooled on top of that?!
Gabriella will be here in just over 3 weeks...I am already exhausted. I prayed last night that God would give me the strength to just be the mom that my kids deserve...the patience and love that it will take to parent 3 kids all with very different needs. Let's hope he was listening.

Monday, September 17, 2007


I tried for an hour to download some pictures but for some reason the camera and the computer were not reading each sorry.

Alyssa called me this afternoon all excited, she made it into choir. I'm excited for her and proud that she had enough guts to even audition to begin with...singing America the Beatuiful of all songs to top it off. She has informed me already that they will be singing at several different places for the holiday will be intresting juggling everything...Lord give me strength!

We went to a BBQ at Jeff's parents was nice seeing his cousins. On the way we were lucky enough to get a flat tire! That was exciting...I was going to take a picture of him changing it...but after careful consideration I decided against that and just stood back and observed (quitely)

I finally started washing up Gabriella's clothes...I figure she'll be here in 4 short weeks (if not sooner) so at least that's getting done. I think I have about 5 outfits coming with us to the hospital...all with matching hats may I add! : ) Lord knows she won't need them all...but it's always best to be prepared.

NO, THE ROOM IS STILL NOT PAINTED! church on Sunday they had a painter guy advertising in the weekly bullitin...hmmmm, could that be a sign from God?!
I have prayed and prayed over this issue...if he heard me and feels so inclined to answer the room will be done this weekend.

Guess I better run...the dryer just shut off...and Will & Grace is about to come on...I have yet to have my daily chat with mom and I have a LOOOONG staff meeting to sit through tomorrow so until later...


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Random Update...

I had another Dr's appt. this morning. Everything looks great and she's right where she should be. The Dr. mentioned she could come at anytime and even noted that he has his doubts that she will wait around until the scheduled delivery...hey, that's more than fine with me. We shall see...

Alyssa is doing great in school (as usual) and has found her place with the "Mean" teacher and loves her! Go figure..we were warned all summer about this teacher but so far Alyssa loves her so that's a good thing.
She even tried out for the school choir last week. We'll see if she makes it in.
Dance is going well too. Again she went from a "nice" teacher to one that just pushes the girls to always do the best. He has danced in shows such as EFX, Spellbound, 42nd street and was even a dance for Gloria Estefan! WOW...of course Alyssa loves to hear all these stories.

Brandon has been loving school as well. I have to admit I am relieved he is doing as well as he has been...if you know Brandon you would understand! So far he has brought home a good behavior report Yeah for our monkey!
Jeff is looking into getting him into wrestling (must be a guy thing) I'm thinking more along the lines of baseball...we will see.

That's about it for now...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dear Mom & Dad...

After being a mom now for 9 plus years...and having an afternoon like I have today I just wanted to take a moment and say....

I'm sorry for all the times I rolled my eyes at you...both in front of you and behind your back...
I'm sorry for mumbling under my breath excuses for why I have not cleaned my room after being asked 9,000 times.
I'm sorry for throwing clothes in the hamper that just fell off the hanger in my closet but I was to lazy to it hang back up...or for throwing toys and doll clothes in there too.
I'm sorry for taking for granted all you did...from driving to and from Girl Scouts to just providing me with everything I had.
I'm sorry for being mad at you for not spending 2 hours preparing my favorite meal but instead opted for a quicker meal instead...cause just spent the last 9 hours at work!
I'm sorry for destroying my room room after you helped me clean it...for the last time :)
I'm sorry for tattling on Jill...for every little thing....(LORD help me)

This list could go on and was just one of those days...
you get it though,and mom...your right, it's a kid doing the math I figure I can stop complaining about this in about...ohhhhh 18 years!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Holy moly!

I was just reading my "week 33" pregnancy update that gets e-mailed to me. (yes, this is my 3rd baby, but it's still fun to read about her development) has a section that said "your baby could come at any moment" all of a sudden I find myself sitting in my office crying! I can't wait to meet her,hold her, hear her cry...heck I look forward to long nights and even longer days. I feel blessed to have a life like that. Yes, I complain that toys are everywhere and the work is never done...but I know some people will never know those frustrations. God has blessed my family in so many ways and for that I am grateful!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Feeling deep :)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and don't lean on your own understanding. In all things acknowledge him, and he shall direct your way. [Proverbs 3:5, 6]”

This is one of my favorite verses from the Bible, in fact it's one I have taught the kids as well. Our daily prayers always include Gods help in guiding us on the path he has chosen for us. After the birth of Alyssa I became even more convinced that God had bigger and better plans for me though at the time it may not have fit into what or how I expected my life to play out I realize that it was never about that anyways. We all go through things in life, good, bad and in between but if we trust in the Lord and allow him to guide us we will be able to live life to the fullest.