Wednesday, January 28, 2009

All about Gabriella...

Today Gabriella had her 15 month check up at the doctors.
I was hoping to hit the 20 pound mark so we could finally flip her car seat to the forward facing position...but nope. In fact, the little turkey is still 18 pounds.
The doctor ( a new one) wants to see her monthly to chart her growth since she has only gained 3 ounces since October. Shes has also ordered a slew of blood tests to check and make sure all is well. I tried telling her I have a 6 year old who weighs 37 pounds...but I guess it will be nice to rule out anything that may hiding. Daddy will take her for her tests this week...I'll keep you all posted on that outcome.
Other than that we got a clean bill of health and three shots :(
Poor Gabriella.


I was walking out of Starbucks this morning when I felt something in my shoe...
of course I felt it earlier but in my mad dash to get the kids out of the house and to school on time I just decided to let it go. If it were a spider and it bit would have given me the day off work. (I was ok with that)
Anyways, in the parking lot of Starbucks I removed my boot to find 4 tiny pixos rolling around...that's when I realized...
I need help....
I hate being unorganized, it just bugs me. Yet, my house is one mass of unorganization. I always have great plans to de clutter on the weekends and then life happens and well...I never have the chance.
I found a great website called, she has some great tips and ideas but I honestly don't have the time or the energy to scrub my sink every night before bed.
I have tried to assign chores to the kids but their schedules are hectic and they are still kids. I don't want the little bit of free time they do get spent doing my dirty work.
I have purchased storage bins and even a shoe storage rack to place by the front door, I have instructed the kids to use it...yet, it seems every morning someone can't find one of their shoes and this morning was no exception (thank heaven Brandon's church shoes are not "dressy")
I've given myself the "I have kids and my house will never be perfect" speech a thousand times...wait more like a million but still...I HAVE to do something.
I thought about rolling a giant dumpster in front of my house and just chucking it all but realized this is of course not an option. SO, what is?!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My boys...

Monday, January 26, 2009


These are just a few pictures from last weekends tournament. To see more check out the team website!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Random pictures

This will give you a little idea just how big this tournament had over 750 wrestlers! CRAZY!

Saturday was a long day. We arrived to warm up about 7:30 am and were there until about 8pm. Gabriella did very well considering the long day...but man, she does not travel well. I think Jeff and I got a total of 5 hours of sleep on both Friday night and Saturday. Sheesh...and to top the weekend off...I ended up with the flu. A 5 hour car ride when you are exhausted and have the flu is not fun (just for the record!)
It was a good weekend overall though...

National Champion!

The Beehive Brawl is a nationally recognized wrestling tournament with participants from all over the United States. We saw kids from New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona. All of the kids showed up to wrestle and the competition was tough.
Brandon was no exception! He wrestled with his heart and it paid off. He took 1st place for his weight division! That's right, my son is a NATIONAL CHAMP! He dominated his opponents and won everyone his matches. The only points that were scored on his were penalty points for using a freestyle wrestling move!
Check out the team website for more pictures and videos!

This place was HUGE!

Coach Jake with the 6 and under boys...we took 2nd place as a team and received this trophy! Go may be tiny but you have big hearts!

Team GV boys 6 and under after we received 2nd place as a team

Standing tall...we are very proud of you Brandon!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Off we go....

We're heading out tomorrow to Richfield, Utah for a big wrestling tournament. This tournament is one of the biggest in this region and promises to deliver some serious competition. Wish us luck, especially Brandon...he's put a lot of hard work into this season so far and we hope to see him shine!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Ok, I'll admit it...I did not vote for Obama.
I sure hope he can live up to the things he promises and I am hopeful that he will. At this point with the way things are in this country with the economy and such we NEED things to improve.
I watched the inauguration and I know the kids watched it at school too. I'm excited for this day in history and regardless of how I voted...I am PROUD to be an American!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jessica's shower

I made her a diaper cake...pretty cute if I may say so myself

You look great Jess...I know how hard it can be to "incubate" but you're doing a fantastic job!

One of my best friends from waaaayyyy back in high school is having a baby girl in March. On Saturday afternoon the kids and I (along with Julie and my mom) made the trip to Phoenix for her baby shower. We had a fun trip and it was great to see Jessica.
Her baby shower was a lot of fun, Meeting her friends and seeing her mom again was nice. I can't wait for baby Madilyn to make appearance we all love her already!

Gabriella's walking...

Though she still seems to prefer crawling.

This past weekend we took a trip to Phoenix for my friend Jessica's babyshower. While at the shower Gabriella took her first steps. :)

Happy Anniversary...

Saturday was our 11 year wedding anniversary...
We've come along way Jeffery. From low riders and late nights on the town to family cars and in bed by 9. I wouldn't change a thing about the last 11 years, we've had our share of ups and downs and it's been one heck of a crazy ride but I couldn't think of a better person to share this life with.
I love you Jeffery more than you will ever know.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gabriella Update...

Our little Ella is 15 months now and I realized I don't talk very much about her.
So, in an effort to inform you and as a record for me...allow me to fill you in.

Figured I might as well start with the question that everyone asks me first...
Nope, still not walking. She's showing more of an interest now, but face it the girl is a princess...I'd prefer to be carried everywhere too.

She has a pretty expansive vocabulary now. She can say....
Mommy, daddy, Alyssa, eat, puppy, kitty, hot, sock, dance, shoe, Jeff, happy, night night, bye bye and baby.
I'm sure I'm leaving something out.

She refers to all of her toys as babies. She loves to take them in her arms and hug them. Such a sweetheart.

She's totally into the mocking stage now too. She'll shake her head no and dance (twist from side to side) when you ask her to. She remains a huge mommy's girl, hearing her say "mommy" melts my heart.

I could go on and on, she is such a sweet pea and I love every minute of her.

Dream on....

I do at least one load of laundry everyday. On the weekends I do several...still I never seem to get caught up.
So, I ask in the world do 5 people create so much laundry.
It's possible it may have something to do with two little people (who shall remain nameless) who insist on wadding perfectly clean clothes up in the dirty hamper all on a quest to obtain the clean room before mom gets home.
What can I say you win some battles and you lose some too.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Just a few pictures I pulled from the Team GV website of Brandon. To see more of our wrestlers in action check out the Team GV site...the link is on the right side of my page.

Jill, do you remember this Ref???? We used to babysit his girls!!

Who I am....

Who am I?
The person behind the scenes is coming to speak.
Maybe you will notice I'm never in any pictures or I rarely speak of myself...but today...that will change.
I'm not ashamed of who I am. I'm a hardworking, Jesus loving, wife and mother. I'm surely not perfect and have never claimed to be. I have devoted my life for the last 11 years to being the best wife and mother that I know how. (I learned by the best)
Yup, I yell at my kids. Yup, on many nights I feel like bedtime can't come soon enough. And the kicker, that seems to be so important to others, and you know who you are...I'm overweight. GASP!
I'm working on it...
BUT...I've been thinking over the last few days that this is something that should not and will no longer define who I am as a person. If you’re ever lucky enough to really get to know me you would know that I put everyone before myself. I truly care about people and not just for what they look like or have to offer. I have never measured success in the amount of money one makes or the possessions they have. In the end, none of that matters.
I've been blessed with a husband that is not perfect (another shock) and I thank God everyday for that. He teaches me and I teach him and our opposites keep things interesting. Our love for each other is not something we have to say because it's felt. Our kids, each one a true blessing. I'm so proud of them, they are my biggest success.
I feel sad for people who measure success by worldly possessions, or feel good about themselves for putting someone down. What a sad and lonely world. I pray that God heals them.

And to wrap this all up...I just want to say THANK YOU to my amazing family and friends and most of all to my husband. You are a strong man and I admire you...I hope our son grows to be just like you.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

1st Place...

Brandon wrestled again today. As you can see by the title...he took 1st place.
He pinned both of his opponents in the 1st round and no one scored a point on him. Pretty impressive!




He tossed his opponents around today like they were rag dolls!

I'm proud of this little guy. Not just because he won...but because I know he gives this sport all he has to offer. At just 6 years old he has the discipline and drive to practice and focus on making himself better. 4 days a week for 2 hours each day he runs drills that would make Richard Simmons quiver. He has never once complained and when asked (which we do often) if he is tired or wants to quit the answer is always "NO" with no time to think about it.
I know people may laugh when they see my 38 pound baby walk onto the mat...but he's awesome and his hard work is really paying off. He teaches me in his own way that the best things in life are something you have to strive for and believe they can be achieved. Winning or losing...I don't really care you will always be a champion in my eyes!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Brandon lost his first tooth!

I can handle many things that come with the title of mommy. Messy diapers don't faze me either do runny noses or puke...but loose teeth. FORGET ABOUT IT! Don't ask me why...just gives me the Hebe jibes.
So anyways, last night at wrestling Brandon lost his first tooth. Don't worry it was not knocked out; in fact it was soo wiggly even I tried to get it out. He's pretty proud of his new toothless grin and I think he's pretty cute too. He left his tooth under his pillow (Alyssa always insisted on leaving hers on the dresser...she was afraid of the tooth fairy) so at 3am when Jeff went to handle business he had a hard time finding the tooth. I sent him back twice to look for it...mission was accomplished and he received $3!
I can't believe how fast my babies are growing...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Am I the only one dreading....

the fact that my kids go back to school tomorrow?! They have been off on track break since Thanksgiving and I must's been so nice.
Tomorrow starts back into the hectic routine of school, homework, dance and/or wrestling. None of this is new...but when the kids are out of school getting home from wrestling at 9 was really no big deal. It's back to the rush rush world of time lines and madness...ahhh, as we know it. They are's me who sits awake now dreading it. Sheesh.....

Wrestling Wrap Up

Jeff and Brandon finally made it home this morning at 2am!
They had a great time and were met by some tough competition. Brandon did very well, he had 2 losses and 2 wins. It was a great experience for all the boys and gave them a taste of what some of the toughest competition has to offer. In the end Team GV did a great job...all the boys should be very proud of themselves.
The next two weekends we're staying in Vegas for local tournaments but will be hitting the road again on 1/24 for a Utah tournament.

Friday, January 2, 2009

When the boys are away....

the girls will go shopping!

Jeff and Brandon are in California this weekend for a wrestling tournament so Alyssa, Gabriella and I decided to take advantage of the guy free time to hit the mall. I found myself in Limited Too (of course...we always end up in that store) and Aeropostale. The days of Oshkosh, Gymboree and Carters are over for her, thankfully I still have Ella for those stores. Alyssa got some new clothes and earrings so she's a happy camper. We even had Gabriella's ears pierced. She did well and only cried a little. Once my camera is back home I'll get a picture of her new jewels.
I'm off to watch a movie with Peanut now...

PS: say a prayer for my monkey and Jeff and the rest of team GV for a safe trip and some awesome wrestling. Go em what the gators are made of!