Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today I pulled a Jeff

My husband is a great guy...he is fantastic with the kids and a lot of fun to be with...but it's no secret that he can be a little today I pulled a Jeff.
I pretty much consumed the day with mindless TV and mommy things. Alyssa went with a friend to Chucky Cheeses. Brandon, Gabriella and Jeff were all taking naps...and I...well I watched Parenthood for the millionth time and did ONE lousy load of laundry.
I finally took a shower at 5 and even then I skipped makeup and doing my hair. I left the house only to hit the Starbucks drive Thur and promptly returned to watch UFC with the hubby.
At the end of the day I feel guilty...I wasted a day when I could have gotten so much done. The good thing is though, Jeff assured me I would only feel guilty for a minute. Hmmmm, somehow thinking that's not the case.


Anonymous said...

We all need a lazy day every now and again!