Sunday, June 29, 2008

Walking the walk....

This was the message at church today...
if you are going to talk the talk are you willing to walk the walk?

The last few years have been defining ones to me...
I was raised a Christian, my mom took us to Sunday school classes and I was involved with church as a teenager too. I had a love for Jesus and God, but I was never the one to openly discuss my faith.
When I had Alyssa I suddenly had a desire to know more about God...I needed to know for myself that he was more than just stories in a book. I became more involved in church and surrounded myself with friends that shared the same values.
I am not a perfect Christian...but I do try my best. I love God and I'm not afraid to admit it...I will talk the talk and I will walk the walk!


Pam Terry said...

You always do, and you do it much better than I do, much better than I ever imagined. And so do the kids. I'm very proud!

Anonymous said...

Talking the talk is the easy part....walking that walk is a daily struggle.

It is awesome that it is such a priority for you!