Monday, June 16, 2008

8 months old

Poor little thing is not feeling well but she still sat for her crazy mom to take some pictures

She is a "tag" girl. She searches them out and then sucks on them...all I can say is "ET" if you know me...well, no explanation is needed!

Gabriella turned 8 months old today...these months are just flying by.
She is finally rolling around and sitting unassisted. I was starting to think she was NEVER going to do either. Brandon was pulling himself up and cruising at this age. (I'm ok with Gabriella being a bit slower)
She is babbling and doing a lot of the "da-da" talking now too. Her favorite is a high pitch squeal that she can carry for a good amount of time.
She is still such a sweetie...we love her to pieces!


Pam Terry said...

She is no match for Brandon's high pitched squeal! And he could go from home to the church! Those were the days!!