Friday, April 17, 2009

Mark my words...

Today signals a new day...
I'm putting my foot down and learning to say no.
My kids get what they want. ALL THE TIME! But after seeing the "what ever" reaction I got from Alyssa over her brand new digital camera being broken I realized that something has to give.

This may be harder for me...
I like giving my kids what their hearts desire. It makes me happy and eases my working mommy guilt. I also know that I'm setting them up for a hard lesson learned.
I too, was given everything as a child. When I was 18 and got pregnant with Alyssa I remember my mom bringing me a stack of envelopes. What was all this I wondered. BILLS! Talk about shock of my life. I of course have learned to juggle my wants and needs but just ask was not an easy transition and still now sometimes I throw a mini fit when I want something...NOW!

So, this is for all of you...and you know who you are. NO MORE BUYING JUST TO BUY!
(Even if he gives you the puppy dog face)


Pam said...

Ahhhh, do you mean MOI????