Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quick Update...

It's been a CrAzY week!
I know I have said this before..but this week takes the cake.

Jeff's surgery was Monday. It went good and he's recovering well. They ended up admitting him over night...
lots of running back and forth for me...

On Tuesday when I was making my mad dash runs getting the kids before picking up Jeff from the hospital I realized Gabriella was not feeling well either. After getting Jeff situated at home and Alyssa to and from dance class I decided I should have Gabriella seen by her doctor. Turns out she has some sort of bacterial lung infection. For a moment the doctor contemplated admitting her to the hospital. Thankfully her breathing treatment in the office was a success and we were sent home. She seems to be doing better today...

I guess that's about it.
Keep us all in your prayers for a speedy and full recovery!