Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Many things...

There are many things in life that I don't understand.

Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a drive way?

Why does Gabriella need a clean diaper the very second that we are leaving the a rush?

Why do the hours I spend at work go by much slower than the hours I have at home?

The list is endless...

but tonight a new question was brought to my attention...
it got me to I really that old?
am I really that outta touch with the kids these days...I mean, I just graduated from High School...errrr aaahhhh...11 years ago...
I'm a cool mom, right?

What in the world is up with these boots?! And better yet...the boots and the capri pants. Before you go judging Alyssa, I saw many girls dressed just like her leaving dance class tonight, including the older girls. I don't get it.
What I do get is Alyssa is growing up. She's into the latest styles. She had to have those boots and now NEEDS skinny jeans. She's totally into listening to the radio and has already told me NOT to buy her the underwear in the packs...she prefers the ones at Limited Two. (you know the ones that are $5 a pair?!)...and GASP...she's embarrassed by me. Is it possible that I have made the advancement into the second stage of motherhood, almost like earning a new rank. I'm no longer mommy...but mom. Here we go!

P.S. Don't mind the mess. Gabriella's toys have taken over and the laundry...well, that's a work in progress!


Anonymous said...

You go, girl! Just keep an even keel and sail that boat right into the school parking lot! :) Love, MOM