Sunday, June 7, 2009

Good Golly

The time has come...

My once sweet and laid back baby has become demanding and assertive.
Yes folks, we are entering the "terrible twos" stage.
I hate to call it that. Really, it's not all that terrible...just a little more work for us as she tests her limits and reacts when her desires are not always met.

On the other side of the spectrum we have Alyssa.
When she's not rolling her eyes and mumbling under her breath she's still a great kid. She is entering the "parents are stupid" phase of her life. I'm trying to be understanding and cool...
not sure how that's working out for me though.

I fear my girls are going to set Jeff and I into a frenzy. Both girls discovering who they are and reaching out to test their limits...and in the middle we have BrAnDoN!! We're holding on and preparing for the storm that I know is coming. Wish us luck!


Pam said...

Piece of cake! You just let them have their way!!