Wednesday, February 13, 2008


You have probably noticed I have posted a playlist of some of my favorite songs...maybe you find this annoying...but I like it.
Sheila has introduced me to Jeremy Camp and I think it's pretty safe to say he is one of my favorite singers, even Alyssa really likes him. He is a Christian artist (duh) so take a listen to some of his may find you like him too. I feel like I can relate to a lot of his stuff, in fact Beyond Measure is a song that I listened to a lot after Gabriella was born...helped me to see that even in my sleepless confusion and feeling of being overwhelmed God was guiding me...all part of his plan for me.

FYI...Yes Lord is Brandon's favorite song...that's why I added that come on Grandma...better learn it so next time he yells "sing with me grandma" you know the words!