Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

I really can't believe it's Christmas already. I was thinking with me being on leave for the holidays this year I would have so much extra time...the truth is I have been even busier this season. We never did make it to our traditional Magical Forest ( we have gone every year since Alyssa was born ) For some reason this year the time just slipped by and before you know it I found myself crying in the car in the parking lot at Wal-Mart (of all places) just because it's over...at least almost.
We didn't even make it to church this year. Alyssa and Brandon both have a yucky cold and to be honest I've been fighting it too so I thought it would be best to stay home. I'm sure God understands! Jeff is working so I found myself playing Santa alone again...well Mom did come to stand watch and drop off some cinnamon rolls. : )
The presents are all in place the stockings are stuffed and the carrots and cookies have all been consumed. Glitter is spread (Santa's magic dust) and notes have been written...guess I better get in bed...I gotta feeling it's going to be an early morning!