Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I couldn't count the reasons why I love this little girl so much.
She says some of the funniest things. She loves her brother, sister and daddy...but she REALLY loves her mommy! I love that about her.
Her current favorites consist of...
*going to Grandmas house to play
*playing with her babysitter, Nikki
*going to my Cassie's house to play with Dozer
*talking on the phone
*eating fruit snacks and yogurt, both of which she can get to on her own, although the recent child lock on the pantry has hindered the fruit snack trips
*coloring...she's not picky either. She'll color in her coloring books, regular books, the floor, wall and furniture also seem to be her preference
*she LOVES music. She'll sing the words to Justin Bieber, Pink, Black Eye Peas and sadly Lady Gaga as well.
*She enjoys Starbucks as much as I do

She is such a good girl, always a joy to be around. Well, most of the time. The one thing I know for sure is regardless of the kind of day I am having her smile makes everything all better again!