Thursday, August 2, 2007


Just a random update...I really should be working...but hey...what can I say!

Jill, Julie, Mom, Lexie and Ryan are all at Disneyland I wish I was too. Unfortunately due to changes at work my vacation was here I am.
The kids have been good about it and honestly I think it was a BIG treat for them to just have Max with us for the week.

I started work on Gabriella's room last night too. I just did a bit of organizing in the closet area and hung up some of her new clothes. It's starting to feel real and I'm more than excited to meet her! Only 10 more weeks! Jeff is going to take her bedding set to Lowes and have it scanned so we can match the paint up so hopefully we can start on that the weekend after Jill leaves.

Well...considering I'm here at work I guess I better get busy! Have a great day!