Wow! 12 years....
I say it every year. Where does the time go?!
I remember her birthday so vividly, I can play back the entire day in my mind over and over again and never miss a detail, yet I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago.
I knew from the moment we first discovered a baby was on the way that our lives would chance. We were young and naive. I was right though, our lives did change.
At 9:30pm on April 19, 1998 I became a mommy. The first months were rough as Jeff and I learned the ropes of parenting. Gone were the parties and late nights on the town, but that was ok with us.
Each year brought new and exciting changes. Not only was Alyssa growing and changing but so were Jeff and I. Alyssa gave our lives a different meaning and a reason to strive to always do our best.
I loved her from the very minute I laid my eyes on her, even before. I love her now more then she will ever know. Or at least until she has a child of her own (in many, many, MANY years!) She is the kind of person I wish I could be. Thoughtful, smart, talented, beautiful.
I wish I could keep you little forever, but since we can't, I promise to embrace your desire to grow up as long as you remember you will ALWAYS be our little peanut!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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