Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Growing up....

I remember when I was 12. Doesn't seem like that long ago actually, but in reality it's been darn near 20 years. Yikes!
It's unreal to me to think that I have a 12 year old. I still like to do fun things and if I remember correctly from when I was 12, parents don't do fun things. They just...well, parent.
The things that I find shocking now that I have actually grown up and become a parent are:
* parents actually do have lives. I remember being younger and not being able to wrap my head around things my mom use to share about her growing up years. To me, she had always just been mom.
* When people say to you, usually after you have had a sleepless night, your house is a mess and you can't remember when you had your last shower, "enjoy it, they will be grown before you know it". I realize that they actually did know what they were talking about. And though I did have plenty of nights where I pleaded with God to just make her sleep all night, a part of me would love to rewind time and pull her sleeping body unto my lap in the rocking chair and really take in that moment. Somehow I think if I attempted it now the outcome would not be so sweet.
* Parents really do have the best intentions when trying to help you remain "in style". I remember looking at things my mom would bring home and thinking, she must be crazy! I don't get the super skinny jeans that Alyssa obsesses over, or the giant sunglasses, or the scarves or the hair styles. I don't get much of any of that...
* Parents really do love you...I always knew that, never questioned it, but also never knew to what extent until I had Alyssa. It grew even stronger with Brandon and Gabriella too.
* Raising kids is tough! I'm thankful now, looking back, my childhood was carefree. To me, everything was great, my parents were excellent parents and did provide for us everything that they could. Now that I am a parent I realize that behind the scenes (aka mom & dad world) things were probably hectic and stressful. Much the way I feel on most days...

It's funny how as I have grown and seen things in a different light how much my appreciation for one grows. My goal in life now is to be the best mommy I can be, even if that means turning into my mother. :)


Pam said...

Sooner or later, we all turn into 'our parents'! It's a life altering event!! And, hey, it just depends on how you define "fun"! My parents used to play Bridge on weekends at the lake with Sue's parents and we'd think 'boring'! Now we're the ones playing cards and I love it - it's a great time!!