I do try to keep my blog updated. Even if it's just stuff that is important/interesting to me and my family. I use this as a way to look back and remember things that I may otherwise forget...
That being said, here is a recap of our last week.
She went on her special school outing Friday. They went to Sunset Station to go bowling and eat lunch at the buffet. All the kids who made straight A's were invited. She had a great time. What an awesome (do kids still use that term?) reward for all her hard work!
Much to his dismay, we skipped out on the tournament Saturday. He has quite the cold that I'm sure he picked up from Gabriella. (more on that in a second :) ) He was pretty bummed out, but I pulled my mommy card and made the call to stay home. I'm sure one day soon he'll forgive me.
Daddy and Brandon are heading out Friday for a big tournament in California. The girls and I will stay back and go shopping. :)
My poor little girl. First her hand and now...she’s sick. Last week she came down with a horrible cold. A trip to the doctor revealed double ear infections and a nasty case of RSV. She's on the mend now and back to her normal self.
Yesterday she found one of Jeff's GIANT black Sharpie markers and drew a beautiful mural on my living room floor. What a special surprise. Thanks to Mr. Clean and his Magic Eraser...it's pretty much just a memory now.
Her hand is coming along. I was lucky enough to take her to her therapy appointment yesterday. It was nice to see for myself the progress (or lack of in Gabriella's case) The scar tissue is coming back, which is not uncommon. Unfortunately it's pulling her finger down again. We'll continue to keep it in a splint and see the therapist on a weekly basis and wait and see what the surgeon has to say in the next few weeks. Thankfully she is an outstanding patient and just allows what needs to be done get done. If only we could figure out a way to get her to keep that darn splint on her hand!
I also have to give props to Jeffrey. For Valentines he got me a beautiful charm bracelet with three charms. A ballerina, a wrestler and a sun. The sun, in case you have no clue, is to represent Gabriella. I've sang the song You are My Sunshine to her from the time she was born. I love it! So thoughtful :)
That's about all the excitement. To sum it up our week was full of sick kids, antibiotics and breathing treatments. I made it through...in one piece and I have lived to do it all again. I'm a lucky girl!!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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