Monday, February 8, 2010

Gabriella Update...

Today was Gabriella's first day of physical therapy for her hand. It's healing...
as you can imagine making a 2 year old keep a splint on her hand is a challenge. Hopefully it won't be much longer. She will continue to see the physical therapist on a weekly basis until who knows when.
We're also experiencing the wonderful stage known as terrible twos.
It's been awhile and sometimes I wonder if Brandon has really ever out grown this stage...but I don't remember any of my kids ever being as....hmmm, trying to think of a politically correct word...demanding and moody as Gabriella. Waking up after nap is the worst part of the day. She will cry and carry on for a good half hour and leaving the room and ignoring her does not help. She'll just follow you and bring her attitude right along.
Aside from those moments where I swear I'm going to tear my hair out she still is a sweetie. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.
Her current favorite activities is playing in her Rose Petal Cottage, playing little people, pushing Olivia Pig around in her stroller or shopping cart, whatever the occasion may be, she also enjoys coloring on her legs. The latter of the two seems to be her favorite of them all.
Ahhh, the sweet life of raising a toddler!