Friday, January 22, 2010

Random Update...

I am currently sitting in a dark hotel room in Richfield, Utah. I'm attempting to settle Gabriella in for the's been a long day for her.
Tomorrow is the Beehive Brawl. This is yet again a big national tournament. Brandon has a tough bracket but I know he will do just fine. He always does.
We had an interesting trip up here. It started with the tumbler in my ignition switch deciding to break. Thankfully we were able to get a locksmith to us and it was an easy fix. We also had quite the adventure with snow and rain on the drive up. I'm from Vegas people...I don't do snow.
In the end, we made it in one piece, Brandon made weight and everyone is happy.
Did I mention that we have two other boys from the team joining us? They are good boys so it's really no bother.

Monday morning is Gabriella's hand surgery. Remember the treadmill incident from last March? That is what this is stemming from. I will be glad when it's all over.

Alyssa finished her first ever round of mid terms last week. I am proud to say she nailed them and pulled off straight A's yet again. I tell ya, besides her selective hearing...the kid is amazing!

I think that is just about it...
Gabriella is still talking to Olivia Pig despite my many and sometimes desperate pleas to please just go to bed so I guess I better go wrangle her before Jeff and the kids come back for the night.