Friday, January 29, 2010

Gabriella Update...

On Monday Gabriella had her 1st surgery to correct and repair her fingers from last March's treadmill incident. She came through just fine (and yes, I have pictures of her in her hospital gown. I'll post them later when I'm home.)
They gave her the typical codeine for pain, however after 4 days of some REALLY strange and erratic behavior (on her part) we have decided to STOP giving her that and just stick to Motrin. She does complain a little about the pain but I think she is more annoyed about the fact that her hand is wrapped.
She goes back next Wednesday to have the dressing removed...hopefully for good.
She will continue to see the plastic surgeon and will more than likely need to have this same surgery repeated every year until her hand is full grown. At least we know she can handle the anesthesia, what a weight lifted.
Hopefully, the end out come will be perfectly straight fingers...who knows, maybe she can be a hand model one day. :)