Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thankful- Day 4

Of course I am forever thankful for Brandon. Yes, even when he is whining and begging for things.
For a time I thought Alyssa would be our only child and though I was happy to have her I longed for another child. After 2 solid years of trying and through God's grace we were finally blessed with Brandon.
Brandon keeps us going. Always has been that way, from colic to wrestling this boy of ours has always been the one to keep us on our toes.
He's a good student in school a champion wrestler, a loving brother and a wonderful son. He'll say things that leave me speechless and his honesty is blunt. I love that about him.
Just thinking about him makes my heart feel happy. He's a great boy and because of that I'm forever thankful to be his mommy.