Monday, November 2, 2009


The boys insisted I take this action shot...

Where to start...
Halloween was a crazy busy day for us. It happened to be the day that we have our annual community garage sale so we were busy with that most of the day.
For the first time Alyssa chose to go trick or treating with her friend. What a bummer kind of moment for me, just another sign that she is growing up. Anyways, because we were running late I don't even have a picture of the three of them dressed up together.
Jeff, Brandon, Gabriella and I went to our friends house and the guys (Jeff and Bill) took the kids trick or treating and Kas and I stayed back to hand out candy.
I can't believe the amount of candy that they got!
All in all, it was a great Halloween.
Alyssa was a hippie, Brandon was an "army guy" and Gabriella was Brobee from Yo Gaba Gaba.