A few weeks ago Brandon got sick with yet another cold. I took him to the doctor and we were given an all clear.
I was ok with that.
Monday he seemed fine. He went to school and even went to wrestling practice. When we came home it was late and I was rushing everyone into showers and off to bed. Brandon commented that we was not feeling well. When I pulled him into my lap I noticed he was burning up. Sure enough...he had a fever of 102. It continued all night even with Tylenol. I made an appt for him at his regular doctors office but with a different doctor. He was so lethargic, couldn't walk, had a 103 fever and was complaining of a horrible stomach ache. The doctor checked his ears and diagnosed him with a sinus infection. She sent us home with an antibiotic and me not feeling good about the visit.
THANKFULLY I trusted my gut feeling. I called the doctors office, spoke to the nurse and we both agreed to wait out the night and I would bring him in the morning to see his regular doctor. Turns out he has SWINE flu!!
We have yet another doctor appointment tomorrow and hopefully all will be good. As for now he's just laying around. He sleeps most the day and needs someone to carry him to his desired destinations.
Say a prayer that he will be better soon!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
Get well, Buddy! We aren't used to you being so sick and it makes us all sad - we want to see you bouncing off the walls again and doing gator rolls! Love, Grandma
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