My sweet husband (and the kids) surprised me with a birthday cake, a beautiful mommy bracelet and one of my favorite candles and of course flowers. This means a lot to me for 2 reasons. 1. EVERYONE I work with totally forgot my birthday. Nobody even mentioned it.
2. Jeff is not big on birthdays. Never has been. I usually get a card and something small from the kids. Well, unless you count my 1st B-day with him when he bought me a beautiful Opal ring.
My best gifts of all.
Today is my birthday...
Happy Birthday to me. :)
Yesterday during my Sunday school class my kids all sang happy birthday to me. Afterwards they all wanted to guess how old I was. Sadly, everyone was guessing 40 and above. When I told them I was 31 one boy, now my favorite, told me how young I was. Gotta love kids.
So, since this is my blog and all I ever talk about is my kids and on the occasion my WoNdErFuL husband I'm dedicating this post all to ME! :)
Well, where to start?
Aside from my husband and kids...who am I??
1. I'm a Christian. I'm not a perfect Christian, that's for sure. But I do love God and I do try to live my life the way God would approve. Not always easy...but it is a work in progress.
2. I use to like cleaning my house. In fact, when I was first married I discouraged Jeff from helping out. Due to this...I have broken him and he is no longer capable of doing housework.
3. I LOVE the fall. It's my favorite time of year! I love apple cinnamon candles and will ONLY burn them during the fall months. :) OCD?
4. I would like to write a Children’s book.
5. I'd like to take up photography
6. Sometimes I toy with the idea of going back to school to be a teacher.
7. I actually like watching Football now. After 30 years of living with Michigan fans I have given into the craze...and I love it!
8. I like UFC. I love the action of the fights and I still like Forest Griffin even if he is a poor sport, and he is.
9. I'm addicted to the TWILIGHT series. I'm also not scared to admit I have the BIGGEST crush on the character Edward Cullen. YUMMY!!! I'm telling the stinkin' books!
10. I'm planning on being at the New Moon movie opening night at midnight. I will be there with a friend just as old as I am and we will not apologize for our lame selves. :)
11. I love Starbucks. Love, LOve, LOVE it!
12. When I was younger my parents got me a miniature horse for Christmas. His name was Sparky. I loved him a ton! When we moved my parents told me they would buy me a new one...
it's been darn near 20 years...I'm ready for my horse!
Well, to quote a sweet boy I know "I aint got nothin'"
I have no idea what else I like or who I really am. When you take Jeff and the kids out of the mix...well...I'm lost. I've been working on this post for 3 days. Pretty sad. So, in light of this I WILL spend more time on me this year trying to figure out who I am. Laura, the individual. Not Laura the wife or Laura the mommy. Wish me luck!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
You don't have any time for a horse! And I can't afford one now. But, IF you do think you have time, I can get you a volunteer gig cleaning stalls and helping with the horses at Metro!! That I can afford! :)
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