Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
All about Alyssa
It's been awhile since I have written JUST about my peanut so I thought this post was due.
It is a challenge to juggle three kids and make sure they are each given the spotlight at least once in awhile. Sometimes, because Alyssa is the oldest it can be hard. No worries though...the kid gets plenty of love and attention from us. (so please don't report me...or judge me)
I have said this so many times, I know. Alyssa is a great kid. She is such a genuine person and we are told over and over from teachers at school and church what a joy she is to be around. I know this. Alyssa and I are buddies. Don't get me wrong she is still very much a daddy's girl but the two of us... well, we’ve got a great bond. She's my Starbucks pal and grocery shopping partner. She'll jump in and help when asked and usually does so with no hassles. (key word is usually)
She is a straight A student and juggles her grades as well as 6 dance classes a week and confirmation. She also is a part of student council and S.A.V.E (students against violence everywhere) at school. Even with all this she still has time for her friends and she has a lot of them.
Besides dance she enjoys texting, playing with her brother and sister, reading, walking the dogs and of course shopping!
I'm not sure how we got so lucky but I know we did. Alyssa is and always has been the best surprise in our lives.
Posted by Laura at 11:17 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Confessions from a crappy Halloween mom...
I'm not a big fan of Halloween, even as a kid I never really cared much for it.
For my kids sake I do try to make it fun. I buy the decorations for the house and even buy the cute Halloween sandwich bags and Halloween Oreo's.
When Alyssa was the only child we bought all of her costumes at the Disney store. We would buy every accessory to go with it from the princess wand and sparkly shoes right down to matching hair bows and ear rings. Needless to say...two more kids later and a hectic schedule and having dealt with the flu that wiped us all out for a week I found myself wandering Walmart this morning before work desperate to find a costume for Gabriella.
A few weeks back I saw the cutest ladybug at Carters. Of course, they didn't have her size at the time so I figured one day when I had time (yeah right!) I would just pop back in and pick it up. Of course when I did have time they were all sold out. Bummer!
I am now the proud owner of a Yo Gaba Gaba Brobee costume...
I am sure she will just LOVE it, but it's not what I have pictured for her and it makes me sad.
A few years back. Again, I had waited til the last minute, Alyssa wanted to be a bride. I had pictured a beautiful white costume and instead it was some cheesy white bed sheet looking thing. I swear I feel guilty still now looking back at those pictures. I'm a sucky Halloween Mom..please don't judge me. :)
Posted by Laura at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
All about Gabriella
People often ask me how it's possible to love more than one child. I mean, when I had Alyssa I never thought I could ever love another child more than her. Then, of course Brandon came along and just like Alyssa he captured my heart just the same.
I never questioned if we could love another the same. The answer is obvious.
Though her sweet temperament from the beginning has been a huge help I could never imagine what life would be like without her. She really is just a sweet soul.
Now, don't get me wrong. As she ventures into her terrible twos I have tucked her into bed on more than one occasion with a huge sign of relief. Shes defiantly becoming more of an outspoken individual and she's learning to find her place in our chaotic family.
Her current likes are:
Yo Gaba Gaba
playing with her dishes
playing with her brother and sister
eating what ever she can get her hands on
spilling the kitty water
reading books
laying on the "big pillows" with daddy
singing songs
getting tickled
her dislikes:
being carried (most of the time) she would prefer to walk and NOT hold hands.
hmmmmm....I can't really think of a dislike.
For her birthday yesterday we celebrated with just family. It was a nice afternoon centered around my princess...and Elmo. Still hard to believe she's two. But ya know what? I'm ok with that. She is a great kid and I know she's got great things in her future. I can't wait to see what they are.
PS. I tried twice to upload more pictures but blogger keeps losing connection. :( I'll try again tomorrow.
Posted by Laura at 11:35 PM 0 comments
What's new...
Now that we are all officially all better life as we know it in the Corsaro home is back to normal. And let me tell you, normal is wonderful!
Brandon is back at wrestling, Alyssa back to dance and sadly Jeff and I are back at work.
The wrestling season is underway. We had a rocky start (swine flu will do that to you) but Brandon is more eager than ever to work hard. It should be a great season! The guys have a lot of big tournaments scheduled, including one to Colorado next weekend.
Alyssa is doing great too. Dancing, school and church is pretty much her focus. I'll take it!
Gabriella, of course, turned two back on the 15th. We finally celebrated her big day yesterday. I have tons of pictures that I'll have to post at home. (forgot my camera) She had a great Elmo birthday party and finally got her balloon that we have been talking about for months. I swear, it was bigger than she was.
I guess that's all the excitement on our end for now. :)
Posted by Laura at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
1 case of swine flu in the house, one case of the flu. One comes down pass it around...2 cases of swine flu in the house.
Sing this fun little tune to the same melody of "One Bottle of Beer on the Wall" and keep singing until you get to 5 cases.
That's right...we ALL ended up with it.
Jeff and Brandon definitely were hit the hardest, the girls and I had a "mild" case of it. And I'll be quite honest with you...HOLY MOLY...that was enough for me. We are all on the mend thanks to the wonder drug Tamiflu! Though as I sit here (at work, non the less) and post this I feel. Well, crappy. For the lack of a better term. It will be a short day for me as I see a reunion in my near future with my couch and a snotty nose 2 year old.
Posted by Laura at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Sweet Gabriella....
So, I had been working on a little photo montage but as luck would have's on my work computer. I'll post it once everyone is well again and I can return to the land of work. :)
I still wanted to say something special to my baby girl...
Dear Gabriella,
When you grow up and look back on this I want you to know how very much we love you.
You were a special gift to us. Planned to a tee. I secretly prayed you would be a little girl and when we found out you were. Well, mommy was THRILLED!
Your birth, like your older siblings, was one of my happiest moments. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were what I had been waiting for, what our family had been missing.
The last two year with you have been perfect. I whisper in your ear everyday that I couldn't live with out you...I don't think I could. You remind me even in my craziest moments that there is much more to life than clean houses and all the other little BS chores that fill much of my days.
I dread birthdays. It just means my babies are growing up. I'll do my best to embrace every stage. I love you more than you will ever know, you are my sunshine and I will love you always!
Posted by Laura at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Trusting my gut feeling....
A few weeks ago Brandon got sick with yet another cold. I took him to the doctor and we were given an all clear.
I was ok with that.
Monday he seemed fine. He went to school and even went to wrestling practice. When we came home it was late and I was rushing everyone into showers and off to bed. Brandon commented that we was not feeling well. When I pulled him into my lap I noticed he was burning up. Sure enough...he had a fever of 102. It continued all night even with Tylenol. I made an appt for him at his regular doctors office but with a different doctor. He was so lethargic, couldn't walk, had a 103 fever and was complaining of a horrible stomach ache. The doctor checked his ears and diagnosed him with a sinus infection. She sent us home with an antibiotic and me not feeling good about the visit.
THANKFULLY I trusted my gut feeling. I called the doctors office, spoke to the nurse and we both agreed to wait out the night and I would bring him in the morning to see his regular doctor. Turns out he has SWINE flu!!
We have yet another doctor appointment tomorrow and hopefully all will be good. As for now he's just laying around. He sleeps most the day and needs someone to carry him to his desired destinations.
Say a prayer that he will be better soon!
Posted by Laura at 7:54 PM 1 comments
Halloween cookies...
Gabriella got herself lodged in her old was pretty funny.
On Saturday night the kids and I went to grandma's to make Halloween cookies and cup cakes. Originally they were intended for Gabriella's bible class on Thursday nights...but they haven't quite made it...
oh well!
Posted by Laura at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Once a Gator always a Gator.
Last Friday night was homecoming for Green Valley. The kids and I along with my mom and sister Julie went to the game. Surprisingly everyone had a good time and to make it even better the Gators won!
Being surrounded by all those teenagers made me wish (just for a minute) that I could rewind the last 12 or so years and re live my high school days...
Posted by Laura at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
Just a thought....
2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
I was looking through Alyssa's bible last night and came across this scripture that she had highlighted. To me it just hit home, I love it and wanted to share. :)
Posted by Laura at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Brandon loves his sisters..especially his "toosh" aka Gabriella
I love this picture. She insisted on having this big plastic fork and yet still used her hands.
Posted by Laura at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
My sweet husband (and the kids) surprised me with a birthday cake, a beautiful mommy bracelet and one of my favorite candles and of course flowers. This means a lot to me for 2 reasons. 1. EVERYONE I work with totally forgot my birthday. Nobody even mentioned it.
2. Jeff is not big on birthdays. Never has been. I usually get a card and something small from the kids. Well, unless you count my 1st B-day with him when he bought me a beautiful Opal ring.
My best gifts of all.
Today is my birthday...
Happy Birthday to me. :)
Yesterday during my Sunday school class my kids all sang happy birthday to me. Afterwards they all wanted to guess how old I was. Sadly, everyone was guessing 40 and above. When I told them I was 31 one boy, now my favorite, told me how young I was. Gotta love kids.
So, since this is my blog and all I ever talk about is my kids and on the occasion my WoNdErFuL husband I'm dedicating this post all to ME! :)
Well, where to start?
Aside from my husband and kids...who am I??
1. I'm a Christian. I'm not a perfect Christian, that's for sure. But I do love God and I do try to live my life the way God would approve. Not always easy...but it is a work in progress.
2. I use to like cleaning my house. In fact, when I was first married I discouraged Jeff from helping out. Due to this...I have broken him and he is no longer capable of doing housework.
3. I LOVE the fall. It's my favorite time of year! I love apple cinnamon candles and will ONLY burn them during the fall months. :) OCD?
4. I would like to write a Children’s book.
5. I'd like to take up photography
6. Sometimes I toy with the idea of going back to school to be a teacher.
7. I actually like watching Football now. After 30 years of living with Michigan fans I have given into the craze...and I love it!
8. I like UFC. I love the action of the fights and I still like Forest Griffin even if he is a poor sport, and he is.
9. I'm addicted to the TWILIGHT series. I'm also not scared to admit I have the BIGGEST crush on the character Edward Cullen. YUMMY!!! I'm telling the stinkin' books!
10. I'm planning on being at the New Moon movie opening night at midnight. I will be there with a friend just as old as I am and we will not apologize for our lame selves. :)
11. I love Starbucks. Love, LOve, LOVE it!
12. When I was younger my parents got me a miniature horse for Christmas. His name was Sparky. I loved him a ton! When we moved my parents told me they would buy me a new one...
it's been darn near 20 years...I'm ready for my horse!
Well, to quote a sweet boy I know "I aint got nothin'"
I have no idea what else I like or who I really am. When you take Jeff and the kids out of the mix...well...I'm lost. I've been working on this post for 3 days. Pretty sad. So, in light of this I WILL spend more time on me this year trying to figure out who I am. Laura, the individual. Not Laura the wife or Laura the mommy. Wish me luck!
Posted by Laura at 9:14 AM 1 comments