Seems as Gabriella and Brandon are already asleep for the night and Alyssa is staying the night with a friend I have some free time. Really, to be honest I should be cleaning and taking down the tree...but who has energy for that?!
Gabriella had a follow up appt. today for her RSV. I could have sworn she was not getting better but the doctor says everything is looking better. We are to continue the breathing treatments every 4 hours until at least next Thursday when she will have yet another appointment. Say a prayer for me...and me too!
I have a severe sinus infection, I do have antibiotics so that is a good thing. Unfortunately I will not be getting the rest the doctor advised me to...kinda hard to do when you have a sick baby.
I go back to work Monday...listen close...that's me sighing...I DO NOT want to go back. I think I'm the only mom I know who works outside the home...yup...that's me feeling sorry for myself. I'm just thankful Jeff helps as much as he does and as usual work will never get in the way of me being a good parent.
I do have some pictures from last nights family game night and today's game of Sorry with Jeff, Brandon and I. I will post them when I have a chance.
That's about all for now...
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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