Ok...this I'm sure will stir up some mixed feelings...
Yes, I am aware that being a stay at home mom is hard work...it's 24/7..yada yada...
but what do you think working moms do? Really...we may put in 40 hours (or what ever it is) a week at the office but we come home after a long and often stressful day to even more work. We do not have the luxury of unloading the dishwasher, starting the laundry or scrubbing the toilet at any time during the day. Most of us fit this in after working all day or cram the 10,000 things that need to be done on the two days we get off from work. Just like stay at home moms we don't get sick days either...sure, we may be able to call in from the office but I can guarantee you our day is not spent getting that rest the doctor has recommended. And just to clarify...we don't stop parenting even at work...
I'm tired of seeing news stories on the benefits of staying at home with your kids too...my kids are well rounded, well adjusted and in fact they benefit from my working. I am able to provide things that they would otherwise have to do without.
So please understand why I politely turn down a play date on Friday evenings or look at you cross eyed when you suggest we meet for that moms time out group on Thursday mornings...
I love my kids and they are my #1 job, I don't value my family any less than you do and no...I really don't look forward to the 8 hours a day that you think I can escape from "reality"
So...that's my vent for today...I apologize now! :)
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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