After being a mom now for 9 plus years...and having an afternoon like I have today I just wanted to take a moment and say....
I'm sorry for all the times I rolled my eyes at you...both in front of you and behind your back...
I'm sorry for mumbling under my breath excuses for why I have not cleaned my room after being asked 9,000 times.
I'm sorry for throwing clothes in the hamper that just fell off the hanger in my closet but I was to lazy to it hang back up...or for throwing toys and doll clothes in there too.
I'm sorry for taking for granted all you did...from driving to and from Girl Scouts to just providing me with everything I had.
I'm sorry for being mad at you for not spending 2 hours preparing my favorite meal but instead opted for a quicker meal instead...cause just spent the last 9 hours at work!
I'm sorry for destroying my room room after you helped me clean it...for the last time :)
I'm sorry for tattling on Jill...for every little thing....(LORD help me)
This list could go on and was just one of those days...
you get it though,and mom...your right, it's a kid doing the math I figure I can stop complaining about this in about...ohhhhh 18 years!!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
So, I'm just happy to know that I didn't really ruin your whole life after all!! WHEW!!
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