That pretty much sums up the events of our lives these days.
Wrestling, dance, school, homework, doctors appointments, new puppies, laundry that multiplies faster than’s crazy.
Brandon is in the process of getting braces. He's in the growth plate and headgear phase. We're currently 4 weeks behind however because somehow he "lost" the strap to his headgear. Magically he found it in time for his appointment. Now, I'm not accusing anyone of hiding it...I'm just saying, seems kinda odd.
The plan was for braces to be on in August, before school started. However, like all well laid plans...this too is falling apart. (see lost headgear strap) I've got great news for Brandon though. Summer break is almost here! That means he can now wear his headgear during the day as well as at night! I know this is going to excite him. Hopefully this will push us back on the schedule.
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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