Thursday, June 10, 2010

See the change...

Every year I take a picture of the kids on the first and last day of school. I have no idea why, except just for the memory.
Tonight I was going through my pictures and saw the first day of school pictures. She's sporting her glasses and leggings under her skirt. Now, don't get me wrong...of course I still think she's cute.
What I do see is by the end of the year she ditched the leggings and just wore the skirt, the glasses are gone and the hair has a new style.
6th grade has to be the biggest year of change for Alyssa yet. Not only for her looks, but her personality as well. She's always been thoughtful and caring but this year I've seen it even more. I'm proud of her for who she is, smart, talented, caring, funny and dare I say a perfect daughter.

She'll kill me for saying this...just a side note. She wore the same skirt on the first and last day of school.
It's ok Alyssa, plenty of people wear the same thing more than once. ; )


Pam said...

Some people wear the same things for YEARS! :) Maybe I should be happy they fit for years!