So, as you can tell it's been a slow couple of weeks for us.
Well, maybe slow isn’t the word I was looking for.
Alyssa completed her summer dance intensive last week. She was going Monday-Thursday from 11a-6p. She had the honor of being invited into the senior intensive with all the girls (and boys) who were older and more experienced than her. She had a blast and learned so much. She even had her first go round with Lyrical. Of course she loved it!
Her regular dance schedule starts Monday. She will be dancing Monday, Tuesday and Friday at her regular studio. She was also invited by the Boulder City Ballet Company to join their company classes. They are trying to build a solid core of ballerinas for all the shows that they do. (Nutcracker, Swan Lake) those kinds of things. That class is Wednesday...and last but not least, Nutcracker rehearsals are Saturday mornings. I dread my gas bill...
Brandon is still taking classes at Tap Out. He will continue to train there until the wrestling season begins again in October. His classes are Monday-Saturday. Jeff and I have worked out quite the driving schedule trying to balance everyone’s needs. We should start a taxi business. Saturday he is taking part in his first Jiu Jitsu tournament. ( yes, I know I said we were not doing any tournaments..have you met Jeff?!) It's at the Bally's and though I'm a tiny bit nervous for it, I'm also very excited. The coaches wouldn’t encourage you to participate if they didn’t think you were ready. So...
Brandon also had his first sleep over last weekend.
Since I use this as sort of my family journal I wanted to note that.
Billy (his wrestling/Tap Out buddy) stayed over on Saturday. His sister, Alicia also stayed. She is Alyssa's age. We had a lot of fun playing legos, Gi Joes, Ghost Busters and my all time favorite MOON SAND! (I loathe that stuff)
Sunday Jeff took the 4 of them to lunch and the Natural History Museum. I stayed home with Gabriella and swept the sand out of the grout in my kitchen. :)
Gabriella...that sweet little girl is such a talker.
Her new favorite thing is to sing. She can sing "You Are My Sunshine" and "Jesus Loves Me". She can also sing a lovely rendition of "The Wheels on The Bus".
Some of the funny things she has said the last few days.
* The other day we were driving home and she spotted the hairiest man walking. "Look at dat" she yelled.
* Yesterday we were sitting in traffic. I was just casually talking to Alyssa and Gabriella piped up "come on people" it was so funny. She has obviously heard me say that once or twice.
* She knows Starbucks. She calls them "Barbucks"
the kid could care less about a McDonalds or anything else. But when she sees the Starbucks logo she goes a little nuts. Her drink of "ice" aka apple juice.
*the other day she came wandering into the bathroom. (you all know you're kids come in the bathroom when you're in there) and she clapped her hands and announced "good job mommy"
I think she may be getting ready to potty train. She's been taking her diapers off during nap. Well all know how that ends though.
My favorite thing she says now though..."I lob ooo much" aka I love you so much.
That’s about all the fun for us. Jeff and I have been busy working.
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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