No, I am not that mom who refers to my child’s age in months for years. (ok, so maybe I am...a little)
Yesterday marked Gabriella's 20 month birthday. I say this all the time, but I can't believe she is 20 months old already. Time really does pass by entirely too fast.
Gabriella has an extensive vocabulary. She can pretty much communicate all here wants with words now, she even puts words together. "Good bye Gamma...Love you",
"crazy daddy" and "carry you" are a few of her most used phrases. She knows all the family members by name. Julie, Aunt Joe (aka Aunt Jill), Lexi, RyRy, daddy, Alyssa, Buddy ( she will not call him Brandon regardless of how hard we try)
She's loves our cats and dogs, especially Gaby. She loves to curl up with Gaby.
She loves bubble baths and playing with her rubber ducks.
She loves to eat...EvErYtHiNg..yet, still she weighs just 20 pounds. Wish I had her metabolism!
She use to be all about mommy, but recently has become more of a daddy’s girl. Truth be told, she would leave us both in the dust for her sissy, Wissa.
Though she is starting to test the waters of independence, she still is (for the most part) the sweetest little girl around. We love you Gabriella...all the way to the moon and back!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
That was a super quick 20 months! I love my little God daughter!!!
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