Monday, May 18, 2009

Water Park Fun...

Brandon was worn out after a day of running in the sun

Brandon and Michael

All the kids (minus Gabriella) and Kory...who is the biggest kid of them all. :)

The boys

Gabriella making a mad dash for it...

On Saturday afternoon the kids and I met up with some of my old friends.
Well, not literally old...but friends from back in the day.
I have not seen Kory and Sharon for at least 10 years. They have three boys, two of which are between Brandon's age. We all had a great time...but I think Brandon and Michael had the best time. They played like that had known each other for years. Brandon is already planning a sleep over.
It was great getting together with friends, especially ones from way back. It reminds me how carefree we once were. AAHHHH, those were the days!