I'm doing emergency laundry now...you know...when you HAVE to do a load or nobody will have clean socks in the morning?!
I swear it seems like my kids go through more clothes in a week than is even possible...I've caught on though...if it falls off the hanger they automatically throw it in the dirty clothes. The bad part of that is by the time I figure that out it has to be rewashed.
Brandon uses his socks as puppets and then throws them in a heap under his bed. This is particularly convenient when I'm doing laundry...as I ALWAYS look under the bed...
Alyssa's big dance show is next week. The long rehearsals start Monday...we'll have dance every day next week...and that means we get to drive to Boulder City every day next week too. Lucky us...
I've been putting Brandon to bed for two hours now...
in this time he has come down stairs countless times...
had to go to the bathroom
needed a drink
was afraid of the dark
had a bad dream (amazing, considering he had yet to even close his eyes)
needed a band-aid
saw eyes in his closet
wanted to call Grandma...
you get the point...I'm exhausted...it's been a long day...so off I go...to tuck him in one last time...or at least until he's out of bed again!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
Don't you just love nights like that?
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