This is his wrestling stance...I have noticed that in a lot of the recent pictures he is doing this pose. At least he has a better "mean face"
Where do you start with Brandon?! Since the beginning Brandon has been our handful. After two years (11 months of that on fertility) we were blessed with Brandon. His middle name in case anyone is wondering or even cares is also Jeff's middle name. He was our kid that was ALWAYS sick, had colic for what seemed like an eternity and always needed to be held. He's 5 now, almost 6...and keeps us on our toes.
He loves to wrestle and is actually pretty good at it.
He's the kindergarten stud...not kidding all the girls run up and greet him "hi Brandon Corsaro" and ya know what my kid does...he blows them off!
Brandon speaks his mind and rarely lies...he'll just tell us how it is...
Brandon is a picky eater but has gotten a lot better with it the last few months...he loves long spaghetti with his sauce under the pasta.
He is a giant mommys boy and actually spends most nights in bed with me, but at the same time loves playing with daddy.
Brandon is a great brother too. He loves being with Alyssa and is so sweet with "do tear" aka Gabriella.
He loves to dress up and will tie a sword to his waist with anything he can get a hold of.
He is a little stubborn...hmmmm...wonder where in the world he got that from?!
He's a tough kid who yells out "I'm ok" after every fall...his voice travels and could wake the dead. His library voice is what I would refer to as an indoor voice and let's just say...we usually hear his out door voice!
Brandon has a love for Jesus and God too. It is not uncommon for him to bring Jesus up in any random conversation. Right now he is in my Sunday school class so I have the joy of watching his faith blossom.
He is a good boy and just like his sisters I feel like he was brought to us for a reason. We love him...more than he will ever know!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
Ahhh, the many faces, and phases, of Brandon! He's been all boy from the get go, which was an extra joy for me, having waited sooo long for a boy! He is definitely my buddy, and I enjoy every minute with him (well, most every minute!) whether we're shopping :) or he just comes over 'to play'! And it's such fun watching him grow and develop with his wrestling and the 'boy' things!
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