I'm here at work and I have to be honest...I really don't feel like doing anything...though my desk is piled high with plenty to do. I'm in a funk and I can't seem to shake it...I need a vacation!
Gabriella was up 4 times last night... when I called Jeff this morning at 10 she was still sleeping. What?! I think it was 4:30 the last time she was up to eat so that means she slept a 5 1/2 hour strech for Jeff and I could'nt even get 3. Her and I will have to have a little discussion about that.
Alyssa is trying to fill her social schedule for this weekend... actually she started last night with a sleep over request. I literally have a mountain bigger than Everest worth of laundry to do...not to mention everything else...I'm sure in the end she will win and we will have a sleepover.
We're signing Brandon up for T-ball. Don't worry, the season starts after wrestling ends (the end of next month) I'm really hoping those practices are only once a week and the games start after 7am!
Well...I can only "look" busy for so long so I guess I better go and get busy!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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