Sunday, December 30, 2007


I think we all do this...set goals for the coming year and then just as quickly as we made them we forget about them. This year has to be different for me...this year I vow to make these changes.

I will be a better Christian. Bottom line. That will be reflected in so much of what I do, how I parent, how I relate to Jeff and how I live my life just day to day. I have really come to rely on's about time I give him the respect he deserves.

I will relax more. I actually go back to work next Monday (sooo not looking forward to that!) I used to go through the roof after working all day and coming home to a messy house...when in reality it has been no different for me while I have been home. Let's face it 3 kids is a challenge, especially with my kids schedules. So if you read this Jeffrey...your off the hook! : )

I guess that's about it...2007 was a great year...I pray that 2008 is just as wonderful!