I was talking to Sheila tonight while I was waiting for Alyssa to finish at dance. I was sharing with her my feelings of feeling a little over whelmed. We both commented that this time will pass before our eyes just as it had with my other two babies.
I left it at that...until tonight...I was sorting through the boxes of photos I have preparing to actually put them in photo books (imagine that) Anyways, I came across pictures of both Alyssa and Brandon when they were tiny babies. It took me back to the first few weeks of each of them...the sleepless nights, the feelings that life would never be the same...and I remembered that each time things turned out even better than I could have ever imagined. In fact it made me sad to think that 9 years have passed since I cuddled Alyssa the same way I do Gabriella...really...time passed much quicker than anyone could possibly have warned me about...so really...today...I will slow down...I will hold Gabriella at 3am, I will live in each moment and not wish for the next and I will remind myself how blessed I am that God have given me the awesome responsibility of being her mommy!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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