I'm in week 30 of my pregnancy..it's hot and humid and I'm feeling pretty miserable!
I'm in the stage where sleeping is a joke, I have my feel propped up to help with the swelling and about 9,000 pillows placed just right under my head...that's to help me breath since Gabriella has made her home in my ribs!
We are making headway on her room though so that's a good thing...and thanks to 2 weeks of marathon shopping with Jill she's pretty stocked up on clothes! I'm more than excited to meet her, I wonder if she will look more like Alyssa or Brandon...only 9 more weeks to go!
This weekend also had it's share of crap to help put me in a funky mood. Yesterday I got a speeding ticket! I honestly thought the speed limit was 45 but nope...so $180 later... Looks like this chick is heading to traffic school!
Then, our brand new freezer decided to stop working! Thankfully we have a deep freezer in the garage and were able to save most of the food. I have a call into the service center and it should be covered under warranty. Good Lord...keep your fingers crossed!
Jeff somehow hurt is foot last week and missed work for two days...shhhh...don't tell him, but I was kinda glad he did and it happened when it did. I really enjoyed two extra days with him...even if we were both laying around with our feet swollen up like elephants! He's fine now...so it's back to work for him.
I guess that's about all...I just heard the ac click on so I better make sure the kids are covered and ready for another chilly night...sorry guys...it's almost over!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
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