Monday, December 31, 2007

Poor Gabriella

It's been a full two weeks of sick people in this house and we still seem to have no end in sight!
After spending the last two nights with Gabriella sleeping on the couch we were able to get her into an doctor. Turns out she has RSV, a respiratory virus that requires Jeff and I to administer breathing treatments every 4 hours around the clock. Thankfully as of now that's all that needs to be done. She has a follow up on Thursday so I'll keep you all posted.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


I think we all do this...set goals for the coming year and then just as quickly as we made them we forget about them. This year has to be different for me...this year I vow to make these changes.

I will be a better Christian. Bottom line. That will be reflected in so much of what I do, how I parent, how I relate to Jeff and how I live my life just day to day. I have really come to rely on's about time I give him the respect he deserves.

I will relax more. I actually go back to work next Monday (sooo not looking forward to that!) I used to go through the roof after working all day and coming home to a messy house...when in reality it has been no different for me while I have been home. Let's face it 3 kids is a challenge, especially with my kids schedules. So if you read this Jeffrey...your off the hook! : )

I guess that's about it...2007 was a great year...I pray that 2008 is just as wonderful!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Totally Random

Miserable with a fever...but sooo cute in her new sweater

Gabriella had her two month check up yesterday. She weighs 12lbs 5oz and is just about 23 inches long now. She continues to meet all her milestones so for that we are thankful. She is our little drama imagine her reaction when she got 4 shots. She cried and cried...hate to admit it but I think it's a little bit funny...I know...that's mean...but it is...just a little. In the end she ended up with a little bit of a fever and a terrible nights sleep to go with it. She seems better today but now it looks like she may be getting the cold the rest of us had/have.

I took my car for an oil change and smog check today. Turns out it needs new breaks...AGAIN! YIKES...however on a happy note I took all three of the kids with me and they were perfect angels during the 2 hour wait. I was proud of them.

We are all still sick, actually Brandon seems like he is getting it all over again. I plan to attack the house with Lysol tomorrow, hopefully we can nip this stuff in the butt soon. I also came to realize today that moms really don't get sick days!

Well that's about all I have to share for now...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas...again

Like I said yesterday I can't believe Christmas is here...and gone now. Whew...It was a hectic day as to be expected. The kids got everything they asked for. Alyssa got her Nintendo DS as well as just about every Littlest Pet Shop toy imaginable...along with a TON of Hannah Montana stuff. Brandon got a Ben 10 Bike (if you don't know who Ben 10'll have to ask Brandon cause I really have no freaking clue) a V Smile pocket game system, Transformers, and a hunting shooter aka gun (toy of course) In the end I would call it a great success!
Thankfully they slept until almost 6am...however due to Jeff's work schedule they were forced to sit with me in my room watching A Christmas Story until almost 7:30! I think that was harder for me! I think between this morning with the kids and Gabriella's unusual sleep issues last night I was able to watch that movie at least 3 full times this year!
Jeff's parents joined is for a while this morning and we spent the evening at my grandmas. As usual it was nice...just think we get to do it again in just 364 more days!

Merry Christmas

I really can't believe it's Christmas already. I was thinking with me being on leave for the holidays this year I would have so much extra time...the truth is I have been even busier this season. We never did make it to our traditional Magical Forest ( we have gone every year since Alyssa was born ) For some reason this year the time just slipped by and before you know it I found myself crying in the car in the parking lot at Wal-Mart (of all places) just because it's least almost.
We didn't even make it to church this year. Alyssa and Brandon both have a yucky cold and to be honest I've been fighting it too so I thought it would be best to stay home. I'm sure God understands! Jeff is working so I found myself playing Santa alone again...well Mom did come to stand watch and drop off some cinnamon rolls. : )
The presents are all in place the stockings are stuffed and the carrots and cookies have all been consumed. Glitter is spread (Santa's magic dust) and notes have been written...guess I better get in bed...I gotta feeling it's going to be an early morning!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Mommy's Little Wrestler

Brandon wrestled in another tournament on Saturday morning...he came in 3rd place.
I love watching him...though I have to admit it's a little hard to sit back and watch someone trying to take down your kid. He has so much fun, which is good considering he has a tournament on the schedule for almost every weekend in January! I'm telling kids social events far out weigh mine.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


As I was making the long jaunt to dance class tonight I got to thinking about Christmas...thinking about all the last minute things I have yet to do and creating a mental list of who still needs a gift and I realized that I was missing out on what Christmas is really supposed to be about. It's for sure not supposed to be about me dragging my hiney from store to store looking for a DVD set that someone assigned me to buy them or stressing about how many toys my kids will have to rip open on Christmas morning. Brandon reminded me today that baby Jesus was a wonderful gift (holy crap...he was listening at Sunday school) I felt like I was smacking in the face...he is absolutely right. So slow down people...give with a happy heart, smile at strangers, keep Christ in Christmas cause after all Jesus IS the reason for the season...not the sale at Kohls!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just because

I just loved this picture!

Happy 2 months!

I can't believe how fast the last two months have gone by...I have loved every minute of it. Gabriella has changed so much, she is such a happy girl...she can sit on Jeff's lap forever and just "talk" to him...just like her older sister she has her daddy wrapped pretty darn tight already. We love her more and more everyday!


Here are a few pictures of us baking cookies today. The kids had a lot of fun...but somehow before it was all over I was ditched for a "ninja soccer game"...It was still a lot of dun though. We are planning on doing a few more batches between now and wish me luck.

Dance Pictures

Ballet class

"fluttering" part of the dance they are doing for Alice in Wonderland

Ms. Carol and Alyssa. I love her...she is a wonderful instructor...strict but the girls still have fun.

Dance Pictures

Working it during Tap class...I tell ya Mr. Jim really works them hard...I finally understand why she is so worn out after his class!

More Tap class pictures

Still in tap class, that's Mr. Jim behind her...notice how sweaty they are! Whew...I was tired just watching!

Warming up for Irish

Alyssa with one of her dance buddies getting warmed up on the bar for ballet.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Things have been super busy lately.

This week is parent observation week at Alyssa's dance studio...I have a ton of pictures to post but sorry...I am so tired now and honestly...too lazy to walk down the stairs to get the camera. I will post them tomorrow...promise. I am so impressed at how well she is doing, she has really come a long way even since April.

Brandon had another wrestling meet on Wednesday, he wrestled a kid 15 pounds heavier then him and still won! He may be a little guy but he's a strong one.

I guess that's about it for now...have a great day!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pretty Girl

Gabriella had a little trouble settling into her routine tonight so she spent some quality time with daddy talking to the Christmas tree. She is getting so big and has become so much more aware of her surroundings...we couldn't ask for a better baby!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

One of those days!

I swear this is ME!!!

My little wrestler

Showing off his official weigh in weight...35 pounds!

He was a little nervous at first...but that passed quickly

This is a picture of his team...the Jr. Patriots

Getting ready to cover his opponents back...he did win this match

Right after the take down...look at his face!!!

Today was Brandon's first tournament, I am so proud of him. He started wrestling at the beginning of November and so far seems to really like it. Today he won 2 out of 3 of his matches and came in 2ND place. Honestly, I could care less where he placed I was just thrilled that he got out on the mat and did his thing...I was so proud!

Lord of the Dance

Of course everyone knows how much Alyssa LOVES Irish dancing so on 12/6 my mom, Grandma, Julie and I took Alyssa to see Lord of the Dance. She loved every minute of the show and has informed me she would be dancing in that show when she is older. Ya know what? I think she may be right...she is an awesome dancer (yeah...I'm a proud mom) but really she is.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Singing Pretty

Alyssa had her first choir concert on 12/ was very nice. Here are a few pictures of her and her friends.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Just in case anyone cares...

My house is quite...Jeff is working an extra night and all the kids are asleep...I have finally caught up on all my laundry and the house is yeah for me!

Alyssa has a choir concert at school early tomorrow morning that we have to be up and ready for so I should really be going to sleep. Naaaaa, instead I think I'll do a little Internet shopping!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wrestle Mania

Brandon will wrestle in his first tournament on Saturday morning! This should be interesting considering he has only been going for about a month, however he is very excited for it. Here are a few pictures of him...notice the wrestling stance and the "mean face"

I waited my whole life!

If you know Brandon you would have heard this before! He was busy helping daddy hang Christmas lights on the house (he was actually digging in the yard..Jeff was hanging the lights) when he came across this rock...he had apparently waited his entire life for it! If only simple things like this would make us all happy.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fun times

The kids and I along with my mom went to Boulder City tonight for the Santa parade. It was cold and windy and the parade was much, MUCH longer than we remember but we did have a good time. I don't have any pictures of the parade itself ( I know you are all so disappointed) I left my camera in the diaper bag at Great Grandmas. I did take plenty of pictures afterwards as you can see. Enjoy!

Friday, November 30, 2007

I sure can grow them!

Look at the belly on this chunk! I can tell ya..this girl never misses a meal!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The kids are back in school, the transition was smooth. I have to admit I was a little worried how Brandon would do. It's been nice for me too, yesterday I managed to get a lot done in the 3 hours that Brandon was in so much! I did manage to catch up on some lost sleep from the night before though.
I think tomorrow Gabriella and I will hit Target and see what great deals we can find, I figure I better enjoy the last bit of my leave...I only have 6 weeks left and than it's back to work for me...booo hooo!!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Deck the halls

As you can see we put the tree up yesterday. It looks great and the kids had a great time doing it. Even Jeff enjoyed it...and get this he put the lights on it (I'm a light freak, so getting it to fit my standards is not usually a pleasant experience)
Today we will tackle the lights outside and then we will be all ready for Santa!