I know I brag on my Alyssa a lot but I have to tell you, she is an amazing girl.
I was warned by other parents, once Alyssa hit Junior High it would all go downhill. I braced myself for this change..but it never came.
She continues to excel in everything she does. It doesn't matter if it is in academics or dancing, the girl has just taken off. I gets notes, emails and even phone calls from her teachers all wanting me to know how amazing they think Alyssa is.
Yesterday she completed the process for National Junior Honor Society. She was first nominated by a teacher to get the process rolling. After getting each teachers approval and interviewing with four staff members, we found out today that she made it. I am so proud of her!
Of course, no Alyssa update would be complete with out an update on dance...
She was pulled aside after ballet on Tuesday and told she will begin pointe after spring break. That's a BIG deal. Typically, her studio does not start the girls in pointe until 8th grade when they have better bone structure. Of course she was over the moon excited and to be honest, so am I. I have waiting a long time to see her dancing on her toes.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Posted by Laura at 11:09 PM 0 comments
More pictures from State
Brandon spent a lot of time resting between matches
and playing Legos...
Thankfully, Gabriella had no issues taking a nap
We set up camp. We had coolers full of drinks and snacks, DVD players, toys, books, pillows and blankets. Yea, we pretty much just took over. :)
I realize we have been home for weeks but I am just getting around to uploading some pictures and since this is used as my family journal I'm posting them. Sorry if you are tired of hearing about it.
The days during state are long to say the least. This year was an interesting one for the simple fact that Gabriella is not a huge fan of being confined let alone strapped in her stroller. We had lots of coloring books, movies, baby dolls and snacks packed to help make the days bearable. Surprisingly, she was a very good.
Alyssa kept herself occupied with her special friend.
Thankfully, there was no shortage of Team GV kids so I always had someone to watch and cheer on.
Though the days are long and sometimes a little stressful but I'm already looking forward to next year!
Posted by Laura at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Pictures from State...
Though it's impossible to see by the look on his face...he was excited to get the wrestling going
His Triple Crown Plaque and medals
Nevada Triple Crown Champion!!
Posted by Laura at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Update...of sorts
Noting much has changed the last few weeks...
Alyssa has added yet another dance class to her already full schedule. This time it's a ballet class through Boulder City Ballet company. She's dancing with the high school girls and seems to be holding her own. They are already determining the cast for the 2010 Nutcracker and of course Alyssa is hoping for a good roll. I'm thrilled to think Miss Amy thinks enough of her and her dance skills to know she can hang with the older girls. She really is a great dancer...
Brandon is still wrestling...not sure if that will ever change. :)
He's preparing for Reno Worlds in April. It's a huge and tough tournament. After that it's off to Idaho for Western Regionals.
Gabriella. Oh how she keeps us busy! She's growing before my eyes everyday. She loves playing with her baby dolls. She is such a little mommy.
I have tons of pictures that I want to post. Some from last weekend at state and just random pictures. One day, when I'm home before 9pm I'll post them.
Posted by Laura at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Pictures from state...
Coach Jake...
This is the greatest wrestling coach! I love him for his dedication to our boys. He had made a deal with the kids if 16 of the boys took 1st in southern Nevada regionals he would dye his hair...23 boys took first and he was a man of his word. :)
Brandon's buddy, Richard promised if Brandon took 1st in Greco he would let Brandon ride on his shoulders in the parade of teams..
Posted by Laura at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Triple Crown...
So, as everyone know by now, Brandon had an awesome weekend of wrestling! He took the state champion title in all three divisions making him what is known in the wrestling world a triple crown champion.
I'm so proud I could yell it from the roof tops...or from the top of the bleachers (which I did )
The entire team did a great job! I'm not 100% sure of the final count but I do know we had 12 kids from Team GV bring home the Triple Crown title. Pretty impressive!
The next tournament is Reno Worlds in April and after that Brandon will join up with Team Nevada and hit Western Regionals in Idaho! Lots of exciting wrestling coming our way.
Posted by Laura at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
State Championships-Day 2
Today was Freestyle wrestling day. The day started early and in the wonderful tradition of wrestling tournaments it ended late. :)
It was a great day though and to make the day even better...Brandon took 1st place. This means he is the Nevada state champion in Freestyle AND Greco Roman.
As a team we have done very well.
Tomorrow morning is Folkstyle.
I'll post pictures when I get home...
Posted by Laura at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Nevada State Championships-Day 1
We made the long drive to Winnemucca for the Nevada state youth wrestling championships. 8 hours on the road and one speeding ticket later we made it!
The tournament is 3 days long and each day is a different wrestling style. Today was greco roman.
Brandon wrestled in the bantam 40 pound bracket and I am SO proud to say that he took 1st place!! That makes him the Nevada state champion! Of course we are over the moon proud of him.
Tomorrow is Freestyle and Sunday is Folkstyle.
Posted by Laura at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
I've neglected my blog lately, mainly because life just keeps getting in the way. I hate when that happens.
I figured I'd hijack Alyssa's computer and use the two hours I spend waiting for her during dance class to give a quick update.
Alyssa learned today she was accepted into the National Junior Honor Society. I am so proud of her! She excels in everything and as her mom it's been great these last few months to kinda sit back and watch her spread her wings.
She has also become part of the "mile club" at school as well. She earned that by running the mile in 7 minutes. Her PE teacher happens to also have been my old PE teacher from back in the day. I always had excuses as to why I could never participate and now my kid has to show me up.
Brandon has been doing well. He's been on track break since mid February so he's been home hanging out with daddy and Gabriella.
The state tournament is this weekend in Winnemucca. He's been preparing for this all season, his goal is to triple crown. (take 1st place in all three divisions)
Gabriella has been good as well. Her hand is healed as good as to be expected. She has an appointment with the surgeon again on the 19th and we will determine when the next surgery will take place. It's an ongoing saga!
Jeff and I are doing good too. I think we both have days where we're not sure what way is up but we both feel blessed to share this crazy journey.
Posted by Laura at 6:21 PM 0 comments