Random funny things that Brandon says that often leaves me wondering....WTH?
* Jeff and Brandon were selling water with the wrestling team last weekend at a car show in Henderson. Brandon wanted to take his shirt off "because if he showed off his guns he would sell more water"
I believe he did take off his shirt and I do believe he did sell more water. LOL
* The other night while waiting in the car for Alyssa, Brandon and I were having a discussion about how his friend Billy was 8 months older than he was. Brandon looked at me and as serious as could be said "so I was just an egg when Billy was born?"
guess he gets more about this where babies come from than I thought.
* Last week when I was explaining to Brandon that he was not going to go to Tap Out anymore he got very upset and said "I'm disrespecting my body" meaning he was not going to be working out. He seemed ok once I told him that wrestling started in two weeks...
that and the fact that he has demanded he work out at home. Yesterday he ran a mile and a half of the treadmill.
The list could literally go on and on. He's a silly boy that monkey of mine.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Posted by Laura at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Totally Random...
Sometimes I feel like I can't keep a thought straight in my head. I go from one task to the next and everything just kind of blurs together. No complaints though, life is good. :)
Alyssa got elected into student government. Yay. She was nominated by her homeroom teacher and is very excited to be a 6th grade rep. I'm very excited that the majority of the meetings and such take place before school. Not sure we could have handled another after school activity.
I'm so proud of her. She is much different that I was at her age. She is very much into school and her grades (getting all A's...we were a little worried with her 6 day a week dance schedule and a confirmation class thrown in the mix that she would have a hard time juggling the homework load).
Brandon is officially done with Tap Out until January. The wrestling season starts in two weeks so until then I have the joy of spending more time with him. Some days seem longer than others and he has a way of throwing a wrench into my well oiled schedules but I am so happy to spend more time with him.
Gabriella is doing good too. As hard as I have tried not to allow it...she is growing up. I can't believe she'll be 2 in just 2 weeks.
Jeff is good. Delirious from lack of sleep most days and dare I say...moody. He's been raking in the overtime so I'm not complaining.
Me...well. I'm patting myself on the back. I've managed crazy schedules, PTA events, Sunday school classes and even found the time to squeeze in Bible study. My kids are good...clean, fed and homework always done. My house is still in one piece and the laundry has not completely taken over (though it has threatened too) not sure if this is the "American dream" but I'll sure take it.
Posted by Laura at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Video Below
The video below is of Brandon (duh) getting his 3rd stripe on his Jiu Jitsu belt.
It's not a great video so be prepared.
Also, the part where they throw him is a tradition with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Both the Professors get to throw him as well as anyone with a belt higher then he has.
Since we are preparing for the wrestling season to start we have officially taken time off from Tap Out. We'll return in January, at that time he will prepare to test for his gray belt. Since he's stuck at the gray belt irregardless of skill level until he's 10 we are in no rush.
Posted by Laura at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
More Tap Out
I'm convinced I look like a giant NERD whenever I get the chance to watch my boy at Tap Out. I'm that mom who always has her camera.
Posted by Laura at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Free to Worship
Gabriella jammed the entire day! After each song she would clap and yell out "wooo hoo" it was so sweet. She would literally stand at the stage and raise her hands to the sky. She is going to be a future praise team member. :)
The girls meeting Jenny from Addison Road. She was so nice and took the time to meet each girl. At one point in the concert she pointed out how wonderful it was to be singing and seeing these beautiful girls in the front row praising God. That was our girls! :)
A few years ago the music geniuses from our church started this event called Free to Worship. It's a music festival made up of praise teams from several Christian churches from all around Las Vegas. Every year it has gotten bigger so this year it was held at the Clark County amphitheater. Besides the fact that it is still so hot outside, the day was a blast. We saw 11 praise teams in all. The best part was Addison Road's performance to close out the night. The girls even got to meet the band and get their picture taken with them. So. Much. Fun!
Posted by Laura at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
Totally Random...
This is the face I got when I asked Brandon to smile for the camera. I sure hope he has a different smile for school pictures. :)
Poor Gab. She had a long day and was not really in the picture taking mood. Still, I can't resist how stinkin' cute she is!
Posted by Laura at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Save your pennies...
Deuteronomy 6:5 “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Alyssa has her first confirmation class tonight. She has been looking forward to this for awhile now. It's a large group made up of many kids that she has known since starting Sunday school at age 4. They begin the night all together in what they call the "living room". Everyone is free to share their own personal joys or struggles and how God has played a roll for them. Afterwards they break off into much smaller groups for bible time and lessons and close the night singing and worshipping. I could hear them all rocking out from down the hall. It was great. What I thought was even better was seeing Alyssa and all the other kids singing and praising God with so much love and conviction. What an awesome sight!
So, the purpose for my title. The different classes that make up confirmation are having a fundraiser of sorts. They are asking the kids to bring in as many pennies as they can and will compete with each other to see who can bring more. In true Corsaro fashion...we can not be out done, so bring on your pennies. :)
Posted by Laura at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Team GV
(if you click the pictures it will enlarge them)
The wrestling season officially kicks off on October 12th. Brandon is so excited!
Heck, who am I kidding...I'M SO EXCITED!
The team has a lot of out of town tournaments planned with a few right from the beginning.
I have no doubts that Team GV will pick up right where we left off. I'm anxious to find out.
Posted by Laura at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: wrestling
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Totally Random...
Brandon knocking out some reading homework while waiting for Alyssa at dance. Most kids do their homework at home. Not my boy. No sir...we prefer the front seat of the car.
This is an older picture. All the recent ones include her cell phone glued either to her ear or planted in her hand. I've got boys calling and texting left and right.
I love this picture of Gabriella and Great Grandma. We spend a lot of time playing at Great Grandmas during the week. Her new favorite activity is loading great grandma up with all the toys and pillows she can find.
I realize some of these posts may be boring to you, but since I use this blog as a family journal...
well, I want to record some of these memories.
We're finally settling into a routine and if you know me you know this is my happy place. I am a planner and I like to know what is coming next. If I could keep my days straight I'd be thrilled.
Jeff's new hours have been a blessing. Though the hours are not his preference the new plant is understaffed and the overtime is rolling in. Just another reminder to trust God and realize He is listening. :)
Alyssa has adjusted great to Jr. High. She's got straight A's and just seems to really be sailing. I worried how she would do with all the other things she has going on but she remains focused.
Dance is going well. She has really been working on her Jettes for the big solo in the Nutcracker. I'm sure she will be beautiful (or handsome...she is playing the roll of a boy) I'm very excited!
sometimes I feel like I'm caught in an episode of candid camera with this kid. The things he says and does. Well. I'm speechless most of the time.
School is going great for him as well. He keeps us busy and reminds me in his own way that life really is a lot of fun.
I can hardly believe my baby will be 2 next month.
She communicates so well. Gone are the days of pointing to things she wants or needs. She's starting to speak in sentences and is able to answer questions. She use to say YES to everything. She's loves her "BEE SISSY" and "Buddy" and follows them everywhere.
That's about all. Guess we're pretty boring. :)
Posted by Laura at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
8 years....
I still remember this day so clearly. Etched forever in my memory.
I'm thankful to be American.
I'm thankful for the freedoms that we have
and I'm thankful for our military that makes this way of life possible for us all.
God Bless America!
Posted by Laura at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Tap Out
Yesterday I finally had the chance to see Brandon in action at one of his Tap Out classes. This has always been something that daddy has taken him to while I was in charge of the dance runs. I have to say...I was impressed.
The facility itself is really cool. It has several octagons for different classes and they are all full of guys (and girls) training to become future fighters.
I also got to meet his Jiu Jitsu Professor, Rod. He's a nice man with an extensive back ground in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He told me that my son is a good boy and will make a strong fighter.
Now, let me clear the air and answer some questions. I realize many people think this is barbaric in nature.
I never imagined this would be something I would have my son involved with. NEVER.
When he started after the wrestling season it was mainly just to keep him conditioned for the summer. But, like wrestling, he has just taken to it like a fish to water. It does not promote violence. Regardless of what you may think, the MMA world is not a life of street fighting and reckless behaviors. They are disciplined people who are taught to defend themselves.
*Brandon will be taking a break from Tap Out for the wrestling season. (which starts next month!!!) He will focus on wrestling and no, he will not be confused on which moves are for MMA and which moves are for wrestling.
*No, I don't have visions of my son fighting in the UFC one day. However, this would be Brandon's choice.
*Brandon loves this sport. All of these classes are his choice. I can't tell you how many times I have asked him if he would like to skip a day. The answer is always "NO"
*We do not push him.
So. On that note. Who's ready for some wrestling? First tournament is coming up fast!
Posted by Laura at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Summer fun...
We had a lot of fun swimming yesterday. I figured since summer is winding down we better take advantage of some pool time.
Alyssa brought her friend Elizabeth and Brandon invited his buddy Billy. They all had a lot of fun using Jeff as a jungle gym, personal boat, diving board and punching bag. It was a lot of fun to watch. Gabriella stayed at Grandmas :)
Posted by Laura at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Being silly...
Gabriella and daddy love to play the "get you" game.
It consists of Gabriella running and daddy saying "I'm gonna get you"
ultimately, Gabriella runs right into daddy’s arms and he eats her tummy.
She loves this game!
Posted by Laura at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Our girls...
Separated by 9 years...I get to enjoy the best (and worse) of both worlds.
A beautiful young lady coming into her own and a curious toddler doing the same.
Anyway you look at it, we're incredibly blessed by these girls!
Posted by Laura at 4:29 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Going back...
I have discovered a new radio station here in Vegas that plays all the music I remember from back in my high school days.
Sometimes it's nice to listen to an old song and allow the lyrics to take you back to the times when life was...well. Easy!
The other night I was doing just that. We were driving home from dance and I thought the kids were all asleep.
Anyways. I'm cruising with my radio pumping. For a second I'm imagining Jeff's low rider. The windows are down and the radio is bumping...
My vision is interrupted by my 11 year old. I'm drawn back into reality and realize the low rider is now a mini van. Bummer...
And than she asked "what does get your freak on mean?"
uuummmm....it means to dance. Hey, it's what came to my mind. I just hope she doesn't run and tell her dance instructor that's she's ready to get her freak on.
I think I'll stick to the Christian stations with the kids in the car for now on.
Posted by Laura at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Crazy Train....
Well, it appears I have made it through my first week of manning the crazy train all on my own. Well, not entirely on my own. I have recruited my mom to shuttle children as well.
In all we've had 4 trips to dance classes in Boulder City, 5 trips from the Tap Out Gym. I even managed to squeeze in my PTA meeting on Wednesday night and a Parent Advisory meeting at the Junior high tonight. Next week confirmation starts.
It's been a nut house.
Props to me though. Kids are fed and clean. Homework is done and neat. Both kids read beyond the required time on their reading contracts and I am not a complete frazzled mess. That alone should account for something, right?!
Posted by Laura at 9:19 AM 0 comments