Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My last post for the night...I promise!

Alyssa has been busy with cheer leading tryouts this week. The official try out is Friday after school. We'll also find out Friday night if she makes the team or not. It looks like now they will be cutting about 40 or so kids. Keep in mind Alyssa has no cheer history (though she has nailed the dance routine...silly faces and all)
When we started this process I went in with the "whatever" kind of attitude. She's already made it known she in no way wants to quit dance and of course in our family school always come first and if you know me you know my standards for grades are high.
However, now that the process has started I would really like to see her make the team. I know she can handle the load...sometimes I wonder about us (meaning Jeff and I) but this is not about us...in fact it never has been.
I do know that no matter if she makes it or not I am so proud of her for trying.
So please keep her in your thoughts this week and maybe squeeze her into your prayers as well.
I'll keep you all posted...

Just cause I love her...

As you can see from the picture, Gabriella has a cold. The poor little girls nose just runs and runs. :( In fact...Gabriella, Brandon and I are all sick...AgAiN! What the heck is going on with us this season?! Brandon is on antibiotics for an ear infection and is back to taking all the allergy medications he was on as a baby. Hopefully we'll see a difference soon. Who knows what Gabriella and I have...I was thinking allergies but who knows. I do know with Jeff's surgery coming up on Monday he can not catch whatever this is that we have. I also know...we don't have time for this stuff either.

Alyssa's Birthday...take II

We celebrated Alyssa's birthday with family on Sunday. Her birthday falls at a crazy busy time of year with her dance show and all the extra rehersals...we figure we're doing good if we can still celebrate within the same month. :)
The highlight of the day was getting her American Girl doll Gwen. She has been asking for her since Christmas. I totally played it off that she would have to wait. Her reaction was priceless.


Alyssa took this pictures of the flowers that daddy and Brandon bought for her. I thought it was pretty cool.

Typical Alyssa...she changed out of her costume before pictures...

Well, we made it through another great year of ballet classes.
Cinderella was great and Alyssa looked just beautiful in her part. She has come so far as a dancer I can't help but brag...just a little. :)
I love being a part of Dance Etc. the teachers are great! I can hardly believe in another year and a half Gabriella will be dancing there too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Growing up...

I'll never forget your first dance show...
you danced to "Me and my teddy"
I swear you were the only one who knew all the moves...
I was so proud!

Now, today I watch you and wonder where the time has gone.
I swear you're still the only one who knows all the moves...
I am still so proud of you!

Opening Night...

Tonight was the opening night for Cinderella. Alyssa dances the part of one of the royal dress makers.
We're going to the show Saturday and I can hardly wait to see her dance. I saw her in the dress rehersals...but it's always so much better for the real deal.

Bring your child to work day...

Today was national bring your child to work day. I brought both Alyssa and Brandon with me. We had a great time and both kids were as good as gold. I will say in just a little side note Brandon is not suited for a desk job...at least not now.
The kids had a chance to see what I do all day, I hope it gave them a new respect of me to see that I work all day and come home and make sacrifices to be the best mom to them that I can be...even when I'm exhausted after a long and often stressful day.
For lunch one of the restaurants let the kids come in and make their own pizzas. It was a lot of fun and I must say...they turned out very yummy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One of the BIG boys...

I sure hope they were playing flag football and not tackle!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

End of season...

Brandon and his team mates...

Most valuable wrestler award for the bantams!!

Yesterday was the Team GV picnic to celebrate the end of a great season.
It was our first year with Team GV and I have to admit I entered the season a bit hesitant. The practices were much tougher than what we were used to with Liberty. I wondered how Brandon would respond. The answer...as you can tell from past posts is obvious. I'm not only proud of how Brandon did this year but I'm so proud of the team. We took more first place finishes than any other team. We showed up at out of state tournaments were nobody had ever heard of Team GV and left with everyone knowing who we were.
Brandon learned so much about team effort and sportsmanship this past season too.
Winning or losing he always had the attitude of a champion.
We're on to summer practices now...summer wrestlers make winter champions...at least that's what Brandon told me. :)

Can't wait for next season...

Happy 11th Birthday, Alyssa!

What can I say?
I can't come up with the words to say how much I love this girl.
I never could have imagined when I started out on this mommy journey what all was ahead of me.
Soon after Alyssa was born I realized that she was brought into my life for more than just sleepless nights and diaper changes. She transformed our lives, made us parents.
I am so thankful that God chose us to be her parents. She's an awesome girl and I can't wait to see what the next 11 years have ahead of us.

In honor of her birthday I'll give ya 11 fun facts about her...from my point of view.

1. She loves Starbucks (just like me) her drink of choice in a vanilla bean frap with no whip. She can't stand whip cream!

2. She's one of those kids that everyone likes. Sometimes I wonder how she'll do in Jr. High and high school. She's definitally a teachers pet. (I'm MORE than fine with this)

3. She's a bit naive for her age. (again, I am more than ok with this) she still loves American Girl dolls and Hannah Montana.

4. She loves to dance and might I say...she's pretty darn good at it. Her teacher often uses her as an example and she's always at the front of the class. She dances where ever she is, though this can be a little annoying I admire her passion for it.

5. She has been taking ballet classes since she was 4. Since we have added tap, hip hop, and Irish. Shes already talking about adding another next year.

6. She is a great big sister. She is very caring and always worrying about Brandon's feelings. Gabriella too...she's just too young to notice.

7. She loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she's older.

8. She is health conscious and rarely eats sweets. (not sure where the heck she got that one)

9. We call her peanut and have since we saw her first ultrasound picture at 8 weeks.

10. Shes not afraid to try new things. She's trying out for the cheer leading team in a few weeks. When I talked to her a little about the what ifs of not making the team her reaction was "it will be fun just to try". I admire that...I never would have even tried.

11. She's an amazing girl. Anyone who knows her knows this fact.
Though at the time she was a surprise to Jeff and I, we know now that she was part of God's plan all along, placed in our lives at just the right time and we feel blessed to be her parents every day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mark my words...

Today signals a new day...
I'm putting my foot down and learning to say no.
My kids get what they want. ALL THE TIME! But after seeing the "what ever" reaction I got from Alyssa over her brand new digital camera being broken I realized that something has to give.

This may be harder for me...
I like giving my kids what their hearts desire. It makes me happy and eases my working mommy guilt. I also know that I'm setting them up for a hard lesson learned.
I too, was given everything as a child. When I was 18 and got pregnant with Alyssa I remember my mom bringing me a stack of envelopes. What was all this I wondered. BILLS! Talk about shock of my life. I of course have learned to juggle my wants and needs but just ask Jeff...it was not an easy transition and still now sometimes I throw a mini fit when I want something...NOW!

So, this is for all of you...and you know who you are. NO MORE BUYING JUST TO BUY!
(Even if he gives you the puppy dog face)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I admire this family! Do I agree with everything they do? No, but I do respect them for how they live their lives.
I'm not sure I could handle 18 kids...
BUT, sometimes when I'm watching the show I get the burning desire to have just one more. Sorry, Jeff! :)
I mean, a brother for Brandon would be great and he does pray for one every night...who am I to let him down?
Ok, so maybe my thought process is a bit irrational but still.
The hardest part of having 4 kids would be convincing Jeff that it's what our family needs. I mean, come on Jeff...what's one more?!


I am thrilled to say that yesterday was Gabriella's FINAL appointment with the hand surgeon (well, for the time being...will touch more on that in a minute)
We no longer have to wrap her hand like she's going into a boxing match either, just her ring finger. She is in heaven with her neck pinching fingers free at last.

Yesterday was also her 18 month birthday. I can't believe how fast it's been going and how much more aware I am of these stages. I really do try to soak in the different stages knowing now that they really do pass in the blink of an eye.
She is such a talker and mocks everything we say. Shes in love with her brother and sister and will follow them everywhere. She loves going to grandmas house to play with all her toys and Max. Shes also a neat kid (knock on wood) she is quick to pick up messes and is very aware when things are not in place. She could eat a grown man under the table...I'm telling you, she can eat!

I'm trying to hang on...soak in every second possible with her, all three of them for that matter and enjoy them while I can.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Will someone please help me understand...

The difference between asking and nagging...

and why is it that when directions are given to a man they must me told and retold 1,000 times?

Clarify for me...PlEaSe!

P.S. LoVe Ya BaBy! :)

Back to normal...

Today was the first day back at school since March 20th...
I was definitely dreading it much more than the kids were. Track breaks mean extra sleep for me and less headache during the week.

Wrestling starts back tonight too. The week break was good even though Jeff and Brandon practiced all week at home too. My 6 year old can run a mile on the treadmill...not sure if I could even walk that at this point!

Dance is back this week too. The big Cinderella show is next weekend...anxious to see that practice schedule and excited to see the show.


So...Easter was great.

On Saturday the kids and I colored eggs and baked cookies. It was Gabriella's first time coloring eggs and I had some great pictures....UNTIL Brandon erased them from the camera along with the pictures from Easter morning. What are ya gonna do?!

They were excited with what the Easter Bunny brought and had a great time hunting for eggs. Even Ella had eggs to find. Afterwards, of course the kids and I along with Grandma went to church and to top off the day we had dinner at my Grandmas.

The best part of the day was hearing my kids talk about the true meaning of the day.
I reflect back on the enormous sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us and it makes me want to re-evaluate where I am in life and re prioritize what really matters. Imagine raising your son knowing that he would die in a horrible and brutal manner...just so others could have eternal life.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


My Alyssa will be 11 on the 19th.
I find myself wondering more and more...where did the time go?!
When we brought her home from the hospital she weighed 4 pounds 12 ounces...it seemed in the first months of long sleepless nights that 10 years was so far away. But we blinked and find ourselves here. She is no longer a tiny baby but a now a beautiful young lady.
I appreciate my Alyssa in ways that I could never even begin to put into words. She's often my second set of hands here at home and away. She helps (sometimes reluctantly) but non the less...
I admire her for the person that she is. Hard working, talented and just a over all great person. She is one of my biggest blessings and I thank God for her everyday.

Pictures galore...

Rocking out!

March 28th tournament in Southern Cali...3rd place

Spaghetti dinner and an annoying brother...life is good!

Oh the joys of having a preteen daughter!

This is what makes my world go round...

After a long day I get to come home to what is inevitably going to be a long night.
I always have cleaning and laundry waiting. A dance class to rush to, a dinner to cook. But I also have four things that keep me going, bring perspective to my days and a meaning to my life...

Three of my four blessings

Gabriella Update...

The hand saga continues, though it is getting so much better. According to the surgeons report (from last week) we still have several more weeks left of cleaning and wrapping but Jeff and I have done a "fantastic job" of keeping it clean and free of infection. (To quote the doctors) :)
Since all this has happened (2 1/2 weeks ago) poor Gabriella has been unable to take her beloved bubble baths. Every night she unloads her toys in the tub and announces "bath"...hopefully soon.
For now I use a sandwich bag and hair band to keep her hand covered and have converted the kitchen sink and vegetable sprayer into her own personal shower. Let's just say she is less then thrilled with these accomodations...but it does get the job done.
Surgery for now has been put on the back burner. Skin graphs have been ruled out (Thank God) She has another appointment next Wednesday, from there we will be taught some physical therapy things to work with at home. She does use her fingers (in between wrappings) but her ring finger is healing strange and may require surgery at a later date to remove scarring.
We're off all pain medicine now and the old Gabriella is back. She's such a trooper and we just love her to pieces!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Random Update...

This week we are enjoying a week free of dance rehearsals and wrestling practices. The kids are in their last week of track break too. So, we're just enjoying some down time.

Alyssa is getting excited for cheer leading tryouts. She has a cheer clinic on the April 18th and then they have tryouts the 27th through the 30th with the actual tryouts on May 1st. She is excited and I'll admit so am I.
We're also getting ready for Cinderella. Opening night for that is 4/23. This is a ballet and I'm sure it's going to be great.

Brandon is still wrestling. The tournaments are pretty much over for the season but practice will run through July. He had a great season and we are so proud of him. I'm already counting down the time until next seasons tournaments. (something I never thought I would do)

Jeff is having surgery on May 4th. He's having his adenoids and tonsils removed. The good thing is we'll have him home with us for two weeks while he recovers and I'll get some time off work to take care of him and the kids. The bad news is...I'm sure he'll be in pain. :( I think I dread that part more then he does.

Nothing new with me. My life pretty much runs on course...kids, work, kids, cleaning, kids, laundry...you get the picture. Though it's not a glamorous life I'll take it. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Keeping it real...

Sometimes when I read back to old posts I wonder "how many people are calling my BS"
I mean...really...is it possible to be this happy all the time?

Then I stop and think. I really do want to keep my blog real...
and I realize that I absolutely do.

It is possible to be this happy...
It is possible to have beautiful and talented and high achieving children...
I should not have to apologize for "bragging"
this is a blog for my family...I want to look back one day and recall these days and use this as a tool to make that possible.

Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky. Why when God was dealing the cards of life I got the full house (or whatever...clearly I do not play poker)
I love my husband quirks and all. I love that when Jeff rushes past me with Brandon for wrestling and I'm running out the door with the girls for dance we still have that second (and sometimes that is literally all we have) to catch up from the day.
I love that we still make countless phone calls to each other to sometimes say nothing at all.
I love that my kids are out going and I love that they taken their talents and excelled. I love that they love each other the way that they do.
I love that Brandon finds comfort in my bed and Alyssa looks to me for advice. I just love all of Gabriella! I love that God placed each of my kids in my life when he knew it was best.

Though I do realize nothing in life is perfect and I would never say our family is perfect. I will say right now, at this very minute I feel incredibly blessed. I want it here in writing so the next time Brandon pushes the limits and he will. Or the next time Alyssa rolls her eyes and mumbles under her breath. Or the next time Gabriella throws herself to the floor in frustration or Jeff fails to find the dirty clothes hamper I can look back on this post and remember...in the big scheme of things life is pretty freaking good!