In true Brandon fashion...he closed his eyes. Of course the batteries on my camera died right after this picture was taken. Still...I thought they looked cute all cleaned up for church. Notice Gabriella's hair :)
Veggies for dinner...and a brother near by that is always in her face
Alyssa and her American Girl doll...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Posted by Laura at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The hard part...
Today I had the task of weeding through Gabriella's clothes she can no longer wear.
I hate this part of being a mommy. It's so much easier when they are bigger like Alyssa and Brandon. For some reason, when they are babies it's hard.
As I was bagging them up I kept thinking...should I save them or sell them?
I would LOVE to have one more baby...GASP!!! I know...I can hear all your comments now. Who knows what the future holds, I just leave that part to God.
Anyways, why is it so hard to make that transition from teeny tiny baby to toddler? Maybe because I already know how fast it goes.
Posted by Laura at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I'm going to be 30 soon. I'm not sure how I feel about that. 30 used to seem so old...
Once upon a time I had certain goals and ambitions I wanted to achieve by the time the big 3-0 came...the only one I have achieved is having my family.
I wanted to be a doctor. I was going to drive a cute 2 seater BMW convertible and marry the man of my dreams (whom I was sure I would meet in med school) I would live in a giant house with a white picket fence and have a golden retriever.
I am not a fact I didn't even go to college (unless you count that 1/2 a semester I took before I found out I was pregnant) I'm a bookkeeper...kinda ironic, I hate math and am terrible with numbers.
I drive a minivan. Don't judge...I LOVE my van.
I did marry the man of my dreams, though he's not the tall man in a white doctors coat that I have envisioned. Instead he's the man sporting the baseball cap and Dickie shorts who stinks after a long night at work. I admire his dedication to our family.
My kids...well, they are the best part of my life. Three amazing little people who have defined my life and given me the drive to be the best I can be.
I've had a great first 30 years...wonder what the next 30 has in store for me.
Posted by Laura at 12:27 AM 2 comments
More Random
It been a busy week.
We have all been sick for what seems like an reality it's only been about 2 weeks.
Poor Gabriella was really having a rough time on Sunday and after the extreme lack of sleep on Sunday night I decided I better take her to see the doctor. Turns out the poor little bug had a respiratory infection and double ear infections. She's got medicine now...and everything seems to be getting better.
Posted by Laura at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It's official...Brandon was accepted into the wrestling program at Green Valley. Though I really did like Liberty, this should be a better program. The new coach mentioned they had some guys Brandon's that in itself is a plus.
The first practice is in two weeks. Let the fun begin.
Brandon also had a football game today. His team won again and Brandon did well. For what I hear, I was in Boulder City for Alyssa's Nutcracker practice. Now that they are both wrapped up in activities it's getting hard to keep up with them. Thankfully tired and sick daddy was able to go.
Totally random and even a little silly...but I still feel the need to share it. I saved $40 on coupons at the grocery store today. Those not familiar to the wonderful world of coupons...that's a lot of coupons! Sure, it takes me longer to shop and I will admit it is a pain in the butt...40 bucks is 40 bucks!
Guess that's about all...better get to bed gotta be at church early tomorrow.
Posted by Laura at 12:37 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My oldest, Alyssa has joined the blogging world.
Check out her blog (the link is listed to the right)
I have several rules in place regarding this blog. She can only publish a post after Jeff or I approve it, however, we do not in any way tell her what she should write about. All the thoughts are her own. :)
Check it out...
Posted by Laura at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Lesson in taking time off...
It's been a long couple of weeks here at work.
Yesterday I decided it would be a perfect day to take a mental health I did.
I dropped the kids off at school, put Gabriella down for her morning nap and snuggled in on the couch with Jeff. Just as I was dozing off into relaxation mode the phone rang...
It was the school, Brandon was sick!
Off I went to pick him up and the rest of my "mental health" day was spent taking care of him and Gabriella. (who also has a cold)
Sometime in the afternoon I realized my throat was really bothering me too. Soooo, here I am today, at work....SICK! Guess that's what I get for taking yesterday off.
Oh...and by the way. Alyssa did make choir.
And another disclaimer: in a post last week I had mentioned I was hoping she would not make the cut this year. Allow me to clarify...
No, I'm not trying to be crabby mommy. I do want Alyssa to do things that she likes and makes her happy. I am proud of her for having the confidence to try out. I made that statement simply because she already has so much going on. Dance 4 days a week. The Nutcracker is coming and will consume a lot of her time. On top of that she has her school work that obviously comes first...time just seems limited.
That being said...I'm proud of her.
Posted by Laura at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
When I walk in the door after working all day I'm never really sure what I'm coming home to. One thing I can almost always's gonna be a nut house!
Here is the head nut doing what he does best....
I love you for that...
Posted by Laura at 10:34 PM 0 comments
11 months old
I can hardly believe my princess is already 11 months old! I remember thinking this time last year "one more month to go...I can do this"...
She loves bath time! Hands down that is her favorite time of the day.
She also likes her new popcorn popper ride on toy that Grandma got for her.
The last few day we have really been introducing table food too. Both last night and tonight she had the same thing we did for dinner. I have yet to find something this child will not eat (though Jeff informed me she was not fond of the oatmeal dish he made her for breakfast this morning)
Her personality is shining through more and more every day. She loves Alyssa and Brandon and (don't tell Jeff I said this) is really more of a mama's girl.
Posted by Laura at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Moving up
After 6 years of teaching Sunday school to preschoolers I have moved up to the 3rd and 4th grade. Today was our first day (yes, no more Saturday classes for me :) )and it went pretty well. I'll miss my babies.
We have a few kids in our class now that we actually taught when they were in preschool so that's kinda cool.
The change not only gives me one full day off (Saturday) but it also allows for Alyssa and Brandon to worship along with me. What a great feeling that is!
Posted by Laura at 11:06 PM 0 comments
That's the ending score of Brandon's football game yesterday.
At one point in the game I mentioned to Brandon that his team was which he corrected me. "you mean we're kicking butt" he proudly exclaimed!
Brandon got to run the ball and even pulled a flag. He seems to finally be catching on and likes it. Always a good thing.
Next weeks game is at 9:30...
Brandon was one of the team captains in this game
Brandon and Joseph...getting ready to kick some buttalt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5246110299267410962" />
Discussing the next big play :)
Posted by Laura at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My mind is wandering and I seem to have a bunch of thoughts just floating around...
let's see...
* My car died on me last night at Alyssa's dance class. That was fun.
Thankfully her instructor was able to give me a jump start and I was able to get home without having Jeff load up Brandon and Gabriella and come to my rescue.
* Brandon has another football game Saturday afternoon at 1:15. I sure hope it's not as hot as it was last week.
* OH...the BIGGEST news this week. Alyssa will be in the Nutcracker again! This year she will be one of Clara's friends. I believe she will be in 3-4 "segments" of the show. :) I am so proud and excited!
* Alyssa tried out for the choir again this year. She ended up missing a few "big" performances last year due to dance I'm not sure how that will go.
Secretly I hope she doesn't make it. (I guess it's not such a secret since I posted it)
* Take a second and say a is the 7th anniversary of 9/11
* Ignorant people should not be allowed to vote...or talk politics...long story and you really don't want to get me going.
* We are trying to get Brandon into Green Valley High Schools youth wrestling program.
That would be crazy to have my kid wrestle at my old high school.
Guess that's about all for now. Jeff and the kids are on the way home from dance so my kid less time is quickly coming to an end...and I still have to finish cooking dinner.
The fun never ends!
Posted by Laura at 6:52 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
First Football Game
The high on Saturday was was HOT!
It was also Brandon's first flag football game. His team did very well, we lost...but it was still fun. Brandon plays center so his job is to hike the ball. I realize this may be old news to football lovers...but for me it's all new. Slowly but surely I am catching on to the football lingo.
We have another game this Saturday and I have to admit I'm looking forward to it!
Posted by Laura at 10:30 PM 0 comments
After a long shopping trip to Wal-Mart Gabriella was tuckered out!
(No, she did not go to Wal-Mart in just her diaper. I was in the process of changing her when Brandon spilled water all over the table. I put her in her swing for just a second to clean it up...and she fell asleep)
Brandon painting his wooden truck and helicopter
Alyssa was painting on canvas. Lot's of great projects :)
Posted by Laura at 10:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Finally, Ballet Pictures
I ordered these back in April and we finally got them today. I just thought I would share a little of my beautiful ballerina!
Posted by Laura at 9:26 PM 0 comments
With school and extra activities in full swing life has become...well...CRAZY!
I have to be honest, some days I'm not even sure if I'm coming or going. Between dance and football and hectic work schedules I see Jeff about .2 seconds a day.
Gabriella has officially become mobile. She will pull herself up to anything now. My days off letting her play in her crib in the morning while I'm showering have ended, now all she does is stand and scream! In fact that is what she was doing last night at 10:30, 1:00, and finally 3:20. I'm hoping it was something she ate that made for such a long night and not the start of a new trend.
Her new favorite thing is digging clothes out of her bottom drawer. Oh, here comes the fun!
Alyssa and Brandon are busy. The first week back at school was a good one. Brandon has adjusted well to all day school and has made some new friends.
Alyssa is already working on her 5th grade class project for Great American. They have to recite the Preamble , sing the Star Spangled Banner , Recite the 50 states in ABC order and know the capitols, know all the US Presidents in order...I know that's not all, but my mind is drawing a blank. All these things she has to do in front of the class. Not an issue for Alyssa. She loves to be in the spotlight!
I guess that's all the latest with us.
Posted by Laura at 8:31 AM 1 comments