One of my friends here at work has a three year old niece who has cancer. This is her second time with it (the first time she was just 8 months old) She will be having both chemo and radiation this time around. Her name is if you could take just two minutes and ask for God's blessings...the more the merrier.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Please say a prayer
Posted by Laura at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Random Life...
Alice in Wonderland is officially over...Alyssa did great and we are so proud of her. Her next big show is in June. I really look forward to that one, it's all the bigger girls (yes, Alyssa is in the "bigger" girl section now) it's all the hip hop, Irish, tap, jazz...all that fun stuff. Should be tons of fun.
The kids also got report cards last week too. Brandon does not get letter grades...but he did really well. He has really taken off with reading and excels when it comes to that...
Alyssa got all A's! She really had to work hard this time around and we are very proud of her.
Hold on...may want to sit down for this one!
We finally finished Gabriella's room! It is perfect, just like I imagined it to be. Her crib bedding is so pretty too. I'll post some pictures when I'm at home.
Anyways, Sunday was her first night in the crib...she woke up a bunch of times crying. I started to think we should have moved her on my weekend. But last night when I put her down at 8 she slept all the way to 5:30!!! Must be she is used to it!
I was sad to have her moved out of my room...but she was busting outta that bassinet so it had to be done.
I guess that's about it...
Posted by Laura at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Alice in Wonderland
Alyssa and Courtney
Beautiful Dancer
Grandma & Great Grandma
Aunt Julie
I snapped this on accident...but I thought it was a good picture!
Posted by Laura at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Alice in Wonderland
Last night was the opening night of Alice in Wonderland. Alyssa is a Dew Drop Fairy...she looked so beautiful! I can't get over how big she is getting!
Enjoy the pictures...
Posted by Laura at 9:53 AM 2 comments
Bring your kids to work day
Yesterday was national bring your child to work day. I usually just bring Alyssa but figured this year Brandon could come along too. I have to say (MUCH to my relief)...he was a good boy!
Each year our marketing director and entertainment director set up special things for the kids to do and this year was no different.
They were taken on a "behind the scenes" tour of the mall complete with a chance to drive a lift. Of course my son took it all the way to the ceiling and got to touch the pipes!
Everyone had a chance to make their own pizza's at Lombardis (one of the restaurants here) and were taken to see a magic/bubble show at one of our showrooms too.
Both of them had a great time.
In my office
In my office with the Webkinz...this picture was a request from Brandon. Oh, and you will be happy to know...all the girls in the office are getting webkinz so we can play on the computer here at's a tough life here at the Miracle Mile Shops!
Anthony (the entertainment director) and the kids...he is wonderful!
At the end of the day Brandon was worn out!!
Posted by Laura at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Birthday Party...
So..on Sunday we celebrated Alyssa's birthday at Sunset Station at the bowling alley.
All her friends that we invited came and we all had a great time.
Of course the theme was Hannah Montana...and just about everything she got was Hannah Montana related. Needless to say..she was one happy cookie!
Below are just a few pictures that I took, hope you like them!
Oh, and Jill...yes...I am blogging at work! :)
Posted by Laura at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Party Pictures
Our Goody Bags...don't worry, we did Transformers for the boys
Alyssa and Sammy
The ball was just about as big as Brandon!
Just a few of the kids...the boy in the front is the infamous Jack
Alyssa and Karen
Posted by Laura at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
10 years ago...
10 years ago I went to bed not knowing how special April 19th, 1998 was going to be.
I was entering week 36 of our first pregnancy...a surprise to both Jeff and I.
I had no idea how being a mom would affect me...
I woke up the next morning and like every other Sunday started getting ready to leave for work. I had a strange feeling that something was not right...called Jill...who said I was nuts...and than called Jeff.
Alyssa was born some 12 hours later at 9:30pm. I will never forget how she looked all wrapped in blankets as they brought her to me for the first time.
I swear I have days still where I watch her and imagine that moment...
The last 10 years have come and gone literally in the blink of an eye. I watch her grow and mature and feel so proud to be her mom. Her smile and laugh are contagious, her personality is caring and sweet. She loves dance and Hannah Montana. She is a great big sister and perfect daughter. She has a love for God that some adults will never even know. She is my sassy pants and reminds me of myself at times.
Happy birthday to my little first Starbucks buddy...I love you more than you will ever know!!
Posted by Laura at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
6 months old
Gabriella turned 6 months old today. The time is just rushing by! We have noticed latley that her personality is really starting to show through. When something is not going her way or daddy takes a toy away from her she lets the entire world know she is not happy. She continues to be a great baby and we of course could not be happier!
Thank you Aunt Jill for my pretty dress!
Future Blogger
Posted by Laura at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Warm weather fun...
Last Sunday was a nice warm day here in Vegas. I think we hit about 90 degrees. The kids had a good time playing with squirt guns and even cleaned my van.
Posted by Laura at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Keeping it real....
Yesterday was a looong day...
Work was good...home...well...that's always busy. My poor husband slips into a coma like state shortly after I arrive home. The only problem is he usually does so on the this time he is fair game for Brandon and the other noises a house with 3 kids and two dogs generate. By the time I "pry" him off the couch and off to bed he gets a "second wind" and spends the next 2 hours either eating from the pot of whatever I have have cooking on the stove or watching mindless YOU TUBE videos...
Alyssa greeted me at the shoved in my face..."Talk to Helen we're planning a sleepover". Really...I JUST walked in...
Brandon announced he had a bad day and had a hard time controlling himself...hey, at least the kid can admit it!
The grocery list remained where I had put in...on the edge of the counter
The toys I had put away the night before were once again spread out on the floor
Dirty dishes from lunch were piled in the sink
and of course my laundry was still neatly piled up...waiting for me to do it
In the were fed and bathed and tucked in tight (Brandon only came down stairs 10 times) lunches were made, back packs were packed and I finally got a chance to curl up with my book. I think I made it through a paragraph before I fell asleep!
Posted by Laura at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Can I just say...
In a world where violence and sex has become the norm on TV it was refreshing to hear the contestants on American Idol singing "Shout to the Lord". Alyssa heard it from the other room and came running in to sing along!
Maybe we all could use a little more of that and less of the other crap that so many people have come to love...just a thought and my 2 cents!
Posted by Laura at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Our Family
Brandon was given a class project to complete at home. He was given paper people to color, one to represent each person in the family. The key to this project was each family member was supposed to color themselves. I was surprised at how much fun we all had...
here is the masterpiece!
Posted by Laura at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Who we are...
I remember when I first moved gave me a page from a calendar that said "God will never give you anything that he knows you can't handle" I kept that page on my bedside fact I think I may still even have it.
God is an important part in our lives, not just on Sunday but everyday. He's part of us, who we are, how we raise our kids.
This morning while walking into school out of nowhere Brandon announced to me that Jesus is the only way to God. "I told my friend that" he said so proudly. Alyssa than says..."that's good have to stand firm...have convictions"
I literally was taken back...
I used to think I was supposed to teach them everything they needed to know...but realize now they are in fact here to teach me!
God works through amazing children!
Posted by Laura at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Morning Rant...
I know most of you don't care...but I'm going to do it anyways!
As expected the first day back at school was a hectic one. Jeff and I have a deal...I get the kids up and ready and when he gets home from work he takes them to school..I stay home and feed Gabriella. Of course I LOVE this deal...but it means I don't even leave the house until starts at 8..
My house is a mess...
I swear I cleaned this weekend but somehow it's still a mess. I'll take the blame for this one though. I HAVE to get control of this laundry.
When I got in my car this morning I began collecting the junk the kids had left behind from the weekend and came across Alyssa's agenda book...
mind's after 8 and I MUST still stop at Starbucks. yes, I did take it to the school and now everyone is happy.
Driving to work I think I was caught in a land of idiot drivers...if your in a lane that says RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT...that includes you too! The big flashing signs that signals the lane you are in is closed ahead that means you too...
I'm here...I have my Starbucks and the work that I had so neatly piled in a corner on my desk is still I guess that means I had better get to work...
hope my afternoon is better than my morning was!
Posted by Laura at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I think I have started about 5 different posts in the last few days and then when I go to post them...I, my life is pretty darn boring and I just erase it. On that is just a random update on all of us.
For the first time in his life Jeff experienced Kohls...
we had a lot of fun shopping and found some pretty good deals. He went off with Brandon while the girls and I did our thing.
Alyssa is sure growing and her clothing choices are changing as well. I think her response to just about everything I held up for her to see was.."I'm not a fan of that" finally I just let her do her thing. She picked some adorable shorts and shirts that I was happy with it all worked out in the end.
Afterwards we joined the rest of Las Vegas at Costco! I'm telling you...that place was swamped. Both Brandon and Gabriella slept through most of that trip so at least we had a break from the constant requests for TOYS...and a drink.
Alyssa had dance practice yesterday from 10am-1pm. Alice in Wonderland is the show they are doing for ballet this year. It starts April 24...that means the long rehearsals are just around the corner. (can you hear the excitement in my voice?!)
Both the kids go back to school tomorrow too. It will be nice to be back in a routine.
Gabriella has two teeth now...both at the bottom. I can't believe how fast she is growing...
That's about picture for today...sorry. Maybe tomorrow!
Posted by Laura at 10:00 PM 0 comments